Hi everybody back now with my second post this is "Halo's Bedroom" the second map in the series of the rat maps and macro maps for basic slayer (no game types have been added I leave it up to your creativity to add the game types) but it is fun to just hang out in the bedroom!
i was so glad to see this finally posted. These are amazing maps and i love playing on them. also thanks for entering the December 2010 forge contest.
is that a pinball machine I see? ha thats cool, the fan looks cool too. does it play well with 3 vs 3? I also noticed that you can spawn in the fan, does it hurt you when you drop out of it?
wow this looks awesome. I really like the Teddy bear. This seems like a very creative idea and i can't wait to see what you come out with next.
wow i love the great looking teddy bear and the bookcase and drawer it looks greatly forged and creative but i think you should include more pictures and details on each feature of the bedroom