V.2 Of my Assasins Creed Map After reading the feedback i was given by the forge hub community ( you know who you are ) i made some changes the the original design. For those of you that have played asasins creed ths is based losely around it, il explane in detail shortly. As you can see to the right is a safe zone, there alot like the curtained hide aways in assasins creed. they have shield doors over them to protect the player. i understand tht campers may use these to gain an unfair advantage but they are usualy very open in the map and its easy enough to jump in with them and give them a hug with the end of your gun this shot is of the red team spawn and capture zone (hidden behind the rock). you may see the antenai pocking out of the buildings, these are used to get to the rooftops, beware though! they leave you very open if you fall from the rooftops. This shot shows the map from the blue side, to the right is the walkway il go onto soon. This is the view from the 'Hidey Hole' on the red side of the map, no real purpose of this at the moment but i may be working on making it compatible for oddball in the near future This is the walkway i talked about eearlier, it has a flag in the glass cutout and it serves as a backup route around the map the kill barrier is to kill anyone that falls into the giant pit below. this area is pretty narrow (not as narrrow as the bridges but hey), it has a space between each cutout the players enter from for some assasintaions, it may be used for camping though so watch your back) Thats it for now, i would appreciate any feedback, good or bad that you give and if you like the look give it a download. Other maps on my fileshare, more coming soon
Going to download it to replace the older version. I saw the pictures and it doesn't seem like you did much except take away the water and add the narrow walkway in the same place (which I like much more than it was before). I'll check it out on my 360 get a few games on it (if I can, probably won't though :\) and send you more feedback as soon as I can.
i love me some assasin creed. the idea sounds good but possibly as a idea, you subtly and completly unoticable, add gravity lifts,to windows/poles/walls so that when players jump on to things they go around your map like ninjas. another idea, but when you place capture plates, players can walk through them, but not see through them,so you can recreate shapes like hay bale carts for players to hide in and asasinate passerbyers.
Thanks so much for the ideas il be going back onto halo in a while after i prestiege on cod and il have a look at what i can do WATCH THIS SPACE RAWR!