MC is sitting in a chair at the bottom left with his helmet on the ground. You can see he has brown hair and, unlikely what most fans thought, he isn't extremely pale. There are a few more fun details like: The Arbiter is putting Plasma Grenades in a christmas tree. Tartarus' fur is lying on the ground with some Grunts sitting on it. Emile is also sitting in a chair and, just like Noble Six, still has his helmet on. Vergil, a Minor Grunt, a Specops Grunt and a Ultra Grunt are roasting marshmallows, but the Major Grunt is roasting a Flood Infection Form The glass in MC's hand magnifies the image of the Legendary icon on The Rookie's armor.
You cant see MCs skin, how do you know he isnt pale? EDIT: Never mind, I see the upper part of his face now. But you could hardly consider this image to be canon.
I lol'ed at MC's hair, I found it hilarious that Bungie would only show his hair. I was surprised that Usze Taham and Ntho Sraom are even in the picture.
That's actually Johnson's mug that's reflecting the Legendary icon. It's funny to see Nathan Fillion (Buck) and Tricia Helfer (Dare) as animated characters.
I liked Noble 6 hanging out with the Rookie waaaaaiiit... I was going to make a joke about how N6 can go both ways and how it sort of looked like... well, y'know. Then I saw what N6 is pointing at! HAhaha! Awesome! No need to make the joke, its already there!
Zoom in on Johnson's cup. theirs the legendary emblem. wow 10 years of halo games. Halo 1 halo 2 halo 3 halo 3 odst halo reach
I would have to agree... from what I remember the master chief has been in his suit through out the entire series (as far as we know), which means that he has had no contact with sun light for at least several years thus it would make more sense for his skin the be pale. However as far as we know the skin color in this image would very well be a shadow effect caused by the lighting in the room. However when it truly comes down to it all we can say is that only Bungie knows truly what the master chief looks like under the hood.
Actually Halo:CE-Halo 3 is just like 2 weeks difference if i remember right. Also... Why isn't Gunnery Sergeant Pete Stacker in it? He was my favorite character(i mean it) of the Halo series and he got his own Firefight voice but he isn't in here?! Strange... And where are Miranda and Jacob Keyes? And Cutter, Anders and Forge? And what about the High Prophets? Well, i think that the Halo Wars guys aren't there because that game isn't made by Bungie but what about the rest of the characters i named? EDIT: To all people who said that it's Johnson's glass that's magnifying the Legendary emblem, look at MC and what he is holding in his hand. EDIT: EDIT: Didn't notice that Jacob Keyes and Dr. Halsey are there too.
The Legendary emblem is printed on Sgt Johnson's cup... Also.. THIS NEVER HAPPENED :O HALF THOSE PEOPLE ARE DEAD!?!?! or are they?! OMG PLOT TWIST!
I love that we can't just enjoy the image, we have to dissect it and quarrel over whether master chief is white or darker in the pic. WHO CARES? its just a fun holiday message! happy ****ing holidays
^ +rep. I love this pic. It hilarious. The odsts are singing, a few grunts and Vergil are toasting marshmallows and flood while sitting on Tartarus' skinned hide, Noble is all together, Jacob Keyes and Dr. Halsey are sitting together (if you've read Halsey's journal you'll know what I mean), Noble 6 and the Rookie are talking, the Arbiter and the Elites are decorating the Christmas tree, Cortana is there in the center of the room, and Sgt. Johnson is talking to Master Chief, who's sitting in the armchair with his helmet off, in front of the fire. Anyway, to stay on topic, I would assume Master Chief is fairly pale since he has spent a lot of time in his armour. Then again, in this picture we can only see his hair and his ear, so there's not a lot to go on.
Random fact, but apparently if you mod Halo CE on the pc you can see what is underneath his helmet when he takes it off in the final cut scene. It reveals... Another helmet!!! and anyway, I thought in The fall of reach it said he was ginger?
I think fall of reach isn't canon. Am I the only one who thinks its better to not know what he looks like? Its done on purpose. As long as we're ignorant, he could be any man; in effect, he stands for all Mankind. It enhances the mystery behind the whole halo/MC storyline. Stormtroopers had a similar effect, there was a certain terror in them all looking the same. Then we find out in the prequels they all look the same underneath as well (since they are clones). Lame. Ruined it. Darth Vader was a lot more evil and frightening when he was unknowable, when luke took off the mask he became some old white guy with asthma. With the mask on, he's the unknown. With it off, all of that is gone
THis probably isn't canon, but I found a video that may show MC's face. YouTube - Master Chief's Face? - Clearer, Well-lit from Halo 3 Beta
*facepalm* yes, I know, that's part of the joke I said I would have made, before I saw that that is the joke in the picture. If I didn't know you could have a female N6 then my joke would have been "lol, Noble 6 is gay". Which is not funny.
OMG I so knew that someone would post something like this when I first saw that picture. It was just a matter of time.