Need moar than one pic. From that pic, the forging looks pretty horrible and the map doesnt look great. You dont have my download unless there are more pics put up.
Well that wasn't very nicely said. Although he's right and it's kinda hard to see the entire map without downloading it, you still have my download. I'll look at it in-game instead of just deeming it 'horrible' and then leaving.
It does look just like a pile of junk. Either fix it or post more screenshots to prove that its worth downloading. Also, you need a 500 character description. You have 100 characters. If this is not fixed in less than 24 hours, mods may lock the map.
Im not really a racetrack forger or player, but I can imagine using those bridges is a bad idea because of thier narrowness; mongooses can easily get jammed and stuck in those tight confines, especially with that configuration you placed them in.
Just as a heads up, your DL link doesn't work. You'll need to rectify this issue for your topic to remain open. Also, I agree with Inferi... Race tracks (imo) shouldn't be narrow and windy.. they should be wide with plenty of straights for players to actually race on.