>CRUSH< Ok, so this is my first map on ForgeHub. This map is mostly for slayer but it also supports HeadHunter and 2 Flag CTF, for those who like objectives, as well as normal Infection. Crush consists of 2 main bases (Green and Orange) both built on adjacent cliff sides over water with a bunker and 2 main bridges in-between the bases. There are 6 power weapons (If you don't include Shottys, I don't): 1 Rocket 1 Focus Rifle 1 Gravity Hammer 1 Grenade Launcher 2 Snipers Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Green(Red) Flag Room (BELOW) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Orange(Blue) Flag Room (BELOW) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Obsidian Disk Bunker (BELOW) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Orange Shotty (BELOW) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Green Sniper (BELOW) Uploaded with ImageShack.us I've done a few test games with this map and I'm 99% sure that I've gotten it perfect, but if you find any bugs or other problems, msg me plz. Let me hear all of your feedback!
WOW a ton of unique structures and interesting aesthetic pieces, maps like these should replace those crappy ones bungie makes!
I highly doubt you used Boardwalk as the canvas for this... lol. Looks beautiful, hope it plays just as well. I've been waiting for such a map like this. The area you made it at is ideal, and I've been wanting to make something of this style for awhile but never knew how to approach it. You however did it marvelously. Congrats.
I love the uniqueness of the structures in this. Also more maps need to take advantage of the gap between those to land masses as well. Very nicely done.
The aesthetics in this map aren't bad, but you need to use less items from the buildings category and make more structures from scratch, if you know what I mean. It certainly looks better and is more creative. Also I can see several camp spots on this map, and I think that you could use more entrances to some places though - nice map overall, but that is the only gameplay affecting change that I would make.
While this map is most certainly unique, I feel there are some serious flaws in its overall flow. There are far too many constricted hallways with exits and pathways that are hidden so much that most people won't even bother to use them. One such path is in the orange base where if you take the path from the entrance, you have to go through the main door, up a floor, then back down a floor from a different side, drop down through a hole in the floor, turn 180 degrees, go down a small incline and then down another floor and the only thing motivating anyone to go down there is a grenade launcher. I don't mean to come off as super critical as I know there are some shortcuts you can take, such as up and down the rock wall, but the inner workings of the orange base seem cramped in my opinion, and this is no fun. My other concern is that everyone will simply camp at the top of the orange base as it has the best vantage point and the sniper spawns right there. Perhaps moving the snipers to lower levels of the base, such as in that lower corner at the intersection of the two long walkways where u have a DMR on a square pedestial right now, would help keep the flow of the map more balanced.
dont apologize, this is EXACTLY the kind of help what i was lookin for. if i dont hear the flaws then i cant correct them. thank you for the in-depth review
The map this area is placed as well as some of your structures are very unique. The gameplay felt good however I think there may be too many power weapons. It made team slayer games feel more like carnage of the power weapons rather than a team push to get them. Besides that though the map looks and plays very well.
If a map confuses people, they just won't want to play again. Simplify your lay outs in the future. It did have some nice qualities. It gave me a few ideas. Keep up the forging.
thanks guys this is what im lookin for. keep comin with the reviews so i can learn what im not doin right