*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.
Looking good man! I think this looked really promising in the brief time (and unfinished state) that i saw it.
Sorry if I sound like a party pooper, but it looks kinda bland IMO... Not really much of any aesthetic touches at all.
*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.
a lesson forgers everywhere need to learn. Aesthetics are a bonus to map. I would much rather play on a map that plays good, than play on a map that looks good. Secret, keep doing what your doing, dont go all faggy on me now. lol
*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.
This is a preview thread, the only insight to offer must be derived from pictures. And what you've shown us looks a bit bland. Release the map if you actually want feedback on gameplay, but until then, ALL we know about the map is those pictures.
*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.
He said the map looks bland, and while it doesn't look bland in my opinion, there is room for improvement in terms of visuals. That was a comment, you don't seem to understand what trolling is. Also, you can NEVER make gameplay assumtioms based off of pictures. And in response to that last comment, I find it personally insulting, as I'm sure many others do. So many people beg and plead for test sessions, trying to improve their maps in any way they can. Don't be so egotistical to think you're one of the few. Anyways, I like the look of the map, send me a message or FR if you need testers.
*Original Post Removed By Author* Having spent some considerable time here, I've come to find the staff extremely unprofessional and abusive. I have been persecuted relentlessly by a small clique of individuals, and because of this I am now removing any and all contributions I have brought to this community. Any and all contributions I make in the future can be found posted in other communities.
Anybody thinking this looks bland, well... Schnitz here is an MLG and competitive type player, and his maps are made for that end almost exclusively. If you want pretty architecture it's probably not for you. But having played on a couple of his maps before, I've never failed to have a good time, and the forging is clean and solid. If you don't like the gray, you have Bungie to thank for that much more so than the author - they are the ones that gave us an object palette that is 90% gray, and made it so that lights are the chief contributor to frame rate issues.
I played on this map and absolutely loved it as I do with Schnitz maps. Making this symmetrical was an great idea and plays really well. I hated cold storage btw, HATED!. Now, remember this is on tempest and it's much brighter but I really liked the look and fit well with the name as well, it is COLD!
It looks pretty good. Wierdly enougn I was working on Symmetrical 'Re-imagining' of Chill out (Well actually it was based mostly off Cold Storage from H:3) butalthough the map looked great aesthetically the amount of time it took me to build one side was pretty ridiculous, so I never built the other side. Anyway it's nice to see somebody else had the idea aswell. Although yours is quite different layout wise compared to mine.
@the Bold; Map Sucks. haha dude this is turning out pretty well, al though i have not seen its full potential and only played a game of slayer on it, id like to play everything it supports and see how it goes. I love you <3