Time for quality control?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I think that's the problem. Most new members haven't heard of the Review Hub or Testers Guild. I know they wanted to get accustomed to the game before they started dishing out advice, but it sort of puts FH in a tough spot. With the release of Reach's forging capabilities we've received a huge influx of new members. The best way to capitalize on that is to push the Test and Review sections as well as come out with some forging guides and promote them as well.

    I understand wanting to take break and get the feel for the game, but the sooner the Guild is up and running the better. I also understand that we couldn't have written guides about Forge before we even got the game, but by now we should be able to put out basic guides on the controls of Forge. What Azn FTW Godly Perfection has been doing with his short, yet in depth guides is something we should have been doing by now. The basics of level design apply is just about every FPS.
  2. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    I agree big time. But some of the new members that were ok at halo3 or forged maps but did not know how to fuse anything. Now they are probably more confused and don't understand the new menu yet and it will take them a while to figure something out. Thats where a bad map comes in. They just make the map without any questions, post it without it being tested and flat out don't care what other people think and they don't listen to what you say and then go back into the map, they improvise it, then when they think its better, its worse. More then likely, 10x worse, and I hate that. Like I did a few days ago, I asked questions to the people who knew so I wouldn't have posted a map, with the wrong spawns. I may still be working on it. But at least I'm putting effort into it making it better. I really didn't care if there are objects fused or not. As long as the map is fun, I play it and enjoy it with my friends. Thats why they made Reach's forge better. Now people don't really need help or tutorials on how to interlock. All they need to know is how to set up a finished map. But apparently, we can't make good spawns, because Bungie handed over their bad spawns from H3 to Reach. Nothing we can do at the time. I just wish some people would answer what we are praying for.
    #42 xMLGx InStINcTx, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2010
  3. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    I just wanted to say that the Tester's Guild is back up and running as of yesterday.
  4. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    Well thats a good thing, you guys are going to be busy in my perspective. How many people maybe have dying to get their maps tested.
  5. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    My point exactly.
    This is not my point though. My point is that the average hubber knows little to nothing about these groups.

    Added after 2 Days 16 Hours:

    Sooooo.... is this the end of the thread or is there anyone actually willing to do something about this........
    #45 Monolith, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  6. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    With time and patience? The forge hub vets have no time and patience with the new comers aside from winning as many fan bois as possible. There is no teaching the new comers as most are too ignorant to bother. Besides, most vets are too concerned about themselves. Hell, this gives many vets a fine opportunity to write off every new forger as a "scrub" as he's not been around to "earn his keep".
    I for one, being one of the newbies that came in with this tidal wave, am tired of being looked down upon for my creations. There are plenty of vets here that do recognize me and other new comers, but far too many write us off simple as that.
  7. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I can't speak for the other dissatisfied posters in this thread, but imo you're doing fine. Forgehub doesn't give enough attention to many deserving maps and gives far too much attention to some that should by all rights be flushed, so the only reasonable thing to do is not worry too much about getting public attention. Use the site as a networking tool to build a friends list to play custom maps. Since I've got you on my friends list, I know you've done that.

    Just don't assign too much significance to your map getting attention from the community. Get feedback from friends and work to improve your design skills while making friends in the community and eventually success just kinda falls in your lap.
  8. Yumil

    Yumil Forerunner

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    Perhap's ya'll can take XBLIG's approach to QC.

    They do a peer review. Each game that a person wants to publish on XBLIG is tested by a group of their peers(everyone who can publish a game there can peer review). They basically test to make sure that:
    1. It fit's the rules(no vulgarities, etc)
    2. Is functional(doesn't crash, works with all controllers, etc)

    Once they get enough passes they can push through. If they get more than 2 fails they have to resubmit later. Usually if someone finds a gamebreaking bug or it violates the ToS they post it and fail. If someone else can reproduce said problem it gets another fail. It's generally a pretty helpful thing and allows for functional games to make it to the marketplace(not necessarily good games btw).

    Perhaps you could implement a system in which one has to post in a peer review before it is moved to the release section. Volunteers check to make sure the map is:
    1. Functional(Spawns work, inescapable, and no kill barriers leaking into map)
    2. Fits the section they want to post it in.
    3. Map post is correctly formatted

    Once they are passed by a number of volunteers it's moved to the release forum. If it's failed x number of times due to any of those reasons above(not that it plays bad or is imbalanced), then the thread is closed and the creator has to fix said problems before reposting. People who abuse the system would get their peer reviewing privileges revoked.

    That way you can insure that the maps are at least functional and fix part of your problems while allowing pretty much anyone to submit a map no matter what the quality.
  9. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Forgehub does not have the man power to do this with the number of maps posted every day. If someone wants that kind of service, they can go through the tester's guild as well as build a friends list of like minded custom map players to test each others' maps.
  10. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    I like the suggestion of having a special area for the best of the best maps, where maps are automatically moved in and out.

    Is it elitist? Hell yes. But I think that could have a good effect. People could see this selection of professional maps, see all the tutorials and techniques that we should really get around to creating, and think, "I want to be on that list. I'm going to work hard, and practice, and I'm going to get on that list."

    People will have something to strive for, and that alone could help increase the number of quality submissions.
  11. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    This is a good, no great idea in theory however the 'best of the best' is someone's opinion and peoples opinions are extraordinarily varied. Who would select those maps? Just look at the recent Forgehub Favorites Nominations thread for an example of varying opinions...
  12. Yumil

    Yumil Forerunner

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    But it does. The thing is, everyone who can post a map could peer review it. Which means that people who peer review more than likely will get their map moved to release faster than those who don't, which would make more people peer review. It works in that everyone does it and people who choose not to will most definitely be penalized unofficially as people are less willing to help people who are not active.

    Quick Edit: It's the idea that someone who wants there map posted and sees there is a backlog of maps needing review. This person decides he wants it to go faster, so he reviews a good deal of the backlog. People see whos maps are on the backlog(or not) notice he's being helpful and review his. Badda Bing Badda Boom, it's working.
    #52 Yumil, Dec 18, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2010
  13. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Far more likely scenario: people post their map and don't review other people's maps. This clogs the system, creating a backlog of maps in line before the person's own map can be taken for review. He could review a bunch of maps to get his to the front of the line, or he could just go to another forge site without such restrictions and post there while freeloading at forgehub until somebody else reviews his.
  14. Yumil

    Yumil Forerunner

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    Quite a possible outcome. Works for XBLIG just cuz there is no other easy avenue to post. Would be entirely up to the community and community building. You are probably correct.
  15. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    We do have a forum where the best of the best maps go. It's called 'Featured Maps'.

    No matter what you want, Forge Hub will never turn to an elitist status of sorting maps, because that's not what we're about. We believe everyone has the chance to make a good map. Just use the rating system that the forum already has, as with the search options at the bottom of the map forums, and you can find the best maps.
  16. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    Rating system?
  17. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i think we might benefit from a more obvious rating system, according to this comment

    go look in the map threads, maps with up to 45 posts dont even have a rating displayed. you all scream use the rating system but why would anybody be compelled if none of the maps are stamped with a rating..... offer members to rate the map along with there comment, something.

    there is no issue of quality control imo, we have all the tools. the system just needs some tweaking.

    guys... there are featured maps without displayed ratings. why aren't the testers guild or review hub or whoever is in charge of this kind of thing rating these? i know more than 3 people test maps before theyre featured. Perhaps make that required, i think it would help a lot. maybe it isn't 3, but thats a bit strange regardless.
    #57 CHUCK, Dec 18, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2010
  18. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Speaking from experience, I know that Reviews take a long time to write and the point of the review hub was to give some attention to community maps which havent gotten some. If they reviewed featured maps, what would the point be of a featured thread?

    As well, last I checked, TG doesnt give ratings, just suggestions.

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