Considering the holidays coming up, I know people will be getting new games, so I'm going to try this out. I personally will be getting games that I want, yet I know barely any one on my friends list plays, so this thread could possibly help people find new friends to play with on games that no one else plays. Simply state the games that you play and/or games that you will purchase in the future along with your gamertag. I will post the title of the game with the people who own it below the title, this way you can befriend the people who also play that game, so now you have someone to play with who isn't a random. I will update only this original post with the titles of games and the people who play that game. Battlefield Bad Company 2 The Psycho Duck Borderlands Reigning Chaos Dinosaur Drugs Call of Duty: Black Ops Reigning Chaos Crackdown Dinosaur Drugs Dead Rising 2 Roobinsky Gears of War 2 The Psycho Duck Medal of Honor o Youtuber o NHL 11 Roobinsky Red Dead Redemption Dinosaur Drugs Rock Band 3 Roobinsky Tekken 6 Roobinsky
GT: The Psycho Duck Battlefield Bad Company 2 (and Vietnam) Gears of War 2 (temporarily, I'm borrowing it from a friend)
GT: Reigning Chaos • Borderlands • Halo Reach • Call of Duty: Black Ops Arcade games: • Castle Crashers • Geometry Wars 2 • Greed Corp. • Trials HD • Marathon • Marble Blast Ultra • Splosion man • Cellfactor: PW I think thats it off the top of my head... thats what I have already BTW
I'm quite surprised this thread just didn't die period. Otherwise, list updated. Hopefully this benefits some people though, and is just not some pointless list.