Not to be bias, but I believe that this will be the best jumping map you have ever played. Instructions are simple... Parkour! DOWNLOAD JOURNEY OF PARKOUR NOW DOWNLOAD THE GAMETYPE PARKOUR!!! As you can see, everything is forged in the mountain side and supported via structures. I had fun on the old parkour maps on Halo 3, but here's some scenery to go along with the jumping because of the new Forgeworld! Here are some displays of the journey. The first glimps of the journey with the end just in sight, but it's pearched so far away. Also in the distance is a floating rock. That is the Hallelujah mountain, standing gaurd over the travelers as a momument and mockery of past forging. Overview of the first part... Here's the second part, nestled in the lagoon. This is probably the most beautiful parts of the map. It'll be heartbreaking to advance in the story, but that's what we do in our journeys... Finally! Phase three! Almost to the ending of your parkour story. Don't hinder now, your destiny lies right above and beyond the quarry! Brave traveler! You have reached the goal. You can meet the guiding light that has pointed the way, and secure your structure with the abundance of munitions. Stay a while as your victory sets in. Play with a soccer ball or two.
Your definition is wrong. Its get from point A to point B IN THE FASTEST WAY POSSIBLE, not most complicated. You may want to change that.
You sure? I think that's something else, because parkour of what I've seen, what I've read, and what the office says (I don't worship the show, I'm just saying) there's no way it can be the FASTEST... if it was the fastest they would walk.
nope i know a guy who does it and bread is correct. For more info check out this link. What is Parkour? « Parkourpedia
Go to a parkour forum if you want to argue about real parkour. Anymore comments not based towards the map will be infracted.