Corvex is my first map on Halo: Reach forge that I found worthy of posting. It is a symetrical map featuring three levels, and a nice switch =]. Based off of a venting system inside of a spaceship, the map features tunnels to guide you from base to base. The design took about two days to actually get put together, a long with about 8 hours of forging. As of right now the map supports 2v2 Team Slayer and 2v2 CTF. It is in its testing/tweaking stage, and should be posted shortly. The center of the tunnels. One of the two symetrical bases. The tunnels leading out of the bases. (notice the Grav lift taking you to the third level) The switch, which is located on the bottom story of the map Clicking the switch =] Once the switch has been activated and the door has dropped you can now take another route to get to the other side of the map. Okay everyone, feedback is appreciated. Also If anyone wants to test send me a message on XBL GT: Trav Havey
You can't double post, you're gonna have to delete one of your map threads or you will recieve an infraction. The map seems to have many places that have very few routes to and from them, for example in picture 2 there are stairs leading up to a platform but that seems to be the only way.
Hopeful is right. Although I cant fully assess the map, from the pictures I can tell that it is very linear (1 path). Try adding in more tunnels/ramps/walkways to and from the different areas. It helps gameplay and will also make the map larger. Despite this your switch looks pretty awesome. Not sure how well it would work in a slayer gametype, but I could be wrong.
Thanks for the feedback guys There is actually 3 routes around the map along with one large tunnel, sorry if the pictures weren't as clear. As for what you said hopeful, I ran out of items d: that is what I had to work with so I was able to make one ramp on each base. I could attempt maybe adding grav lifts to lead up to each base, but I'm not exactly sure how that could play out. Crypto, the switch works pretty well with slayer gametypes, it has also been yet to fail (such as suicide/not working/etc.) Also if you guys were wondering on slayer gametypes there is a grav. hammer on the top floor and an Evade on CTF gametypes. When playing on the map I have been keeping it set up for hologram, invisible, and armor lock, to improve gameplay.