Vast quantities of water and other raw materials are consumed in creating even the smallest orbital installations. OK so here it is. Recent interest in my Construct remake has prompted me to tweak it to perfection. Conception is the definitive recreation of Construct. Please download and recommend to your friends. It would be incredible to see this one catch on. I've spent a TON of time on this one and have had older versions up on Bungie's site before. I've made some final revisions and have uploaded the newest and hopefully final version of this map. For those who loved CONSTRUCT, this map will not disappoint. It feels and plays exactly like CONSTRUCT. Even the less known grenade up the back wall trick works. There are however a couple of small exceptions. As we all know, getting gravity lifts to work properly is a problem. Especially when they need to span several floors. The lifts on this map will get your player there but grenades... not so much. I'd like to see Bungie add some sort of scalable beam type lift to the forge world (crossing fingers). Bottom line with this remake is that you will feel instantly at home. When you spawn, you'll know exactly where you are and where to go without having to think twice about it. A couple of changes from the original--- Being that there is no Missile Pod in Reach, you'll find a Rocket Launcher with minimal ammunition and maximum respawn. Also without the Mauler, you'll find 2 opposing Shotguns, also with minimal ammunition. The Sniper Bridge area required a little tweaking to make it to where you can jump onto it from the bridge directly below--- This was done because Reach Spartans can't jump quite as high as the Chief can. If you want the real Construct experience, play this map in "Classic Slayer" mode. Though it is pretty fun to jet pack around the map, and, there are lots of long runs with which to fool your opponents with the hologram loadout. I've done extensive testing with 4v4 slayer and FFA as well. Flag, Headhunter, Assault, Territories, Headhunter and KOTH also play very well on this map. Enjoy and please leave feedback. If you have a better solution for grav-lift issues I would also love to hear them. C2 Blue Spawn / Patio Top Gold Sword Room Sniper Red Spawn Closed Street Basement / Gold 1 Legs Lobby Main Ramp Open Mid Open Ramp Again - Download, play, recommend. Give me feedback. Enjoy!!!! DWeight
Thank you for making this. No other Construct remake is more like the original than this one. Again, I applaud the effort and time you put into making as close a remake to Construct as possible. This was one of the best maps to play on in Halo 3. One thing that I will sadly miss, though, is the flamethrower. Good times were had roasting lift campers and sword rushers...
I really want you to reconsider this. The Maulers served an incredibly small role in Construct. Shotguns in Reach are far stronger than Shotguns in Halo 3, which are far stronger than duel Maulers, which you could only get on Construct by succesfully getting to both Mauler spawns. The Shotguns will change the gameplay too much, even with the long respawn times and no clips. A good tip would just be to leave that area with no weaponry. The fact that it's a low traffic side path will probably make it just as usefull, but for better reasons. Maybe add a Grenade or two if you want it to feel as "armoury"-ish as it probably is now. Other than that, it really is a great remake. Kudos.
This was the first map I ever played in Halo 3 and it was my favorite by far. For the main gravity lift, have you tried putting a lift in the wall at each point where someone can get in? This would let you go up from every entry point as well as propelling you all the way to the top with ease. I don't know if this helps at all, but I really like this remake and I want to help make it the best it can be. I don't have xbox live now, but I'll Dl this when I get it in a few days. Great job!
OK I took your advice and removed the shotguns. We'll see how it plays out. Thanks for all of your great comments. Let's try to keep this map in the light so we can eventually play it again for real. Thanks again!
Does it lag? There have been a couple of decent remakes of construct that I have played that look good, but have framerate issues. So, does it lag?
I've played it online with 2 people on my system and 1 through the LIVE network. I didn't notice any problems. It's a bit trickier to get larger groups together. DL it and try to get a 4v4 going and let me know.
Oh Have at it! Wow, just well done, I have been surfing these pages for many moons, and have not yet found an accurate remake, nicely done, remaking an old classic, I like how you made your own touches, while still staying with the classic feel of the map, a few tweaks here and there, and it could support any gametype, overall, well done, and I'm looking forward to more posts.
Construct was also in my top 3 of all time. The gravity lifts have gone through many changes here. Until Bungie gives us some new tools to work with, this really is the best way... unfortunately. This actually does support almost all game types. Minus Infection and Invasion. I'm part of a forging/testing group on Bungie's site. This map will most likely be part of a massive remake map assortment that will include all multi-player maps beginning with Halo CE (all editions), and all maps from Halo 2 and 3 (including expansion map packs). Programming and testing is now underway. Feedback on how well this plays on Xbox live with larger parties of at least 4v4 and higher would be very useful for this purpose. I'll need as much time as possible to make changes so DL it and run it through it's paces. Thanks to all who have left feedback!
It is very well made but there is significant lag when playing with at least 1 other person... i recommend rebuilding ti on Tempest and it will be perfect
I agree with all of the above opinions, too bad this wasnt in the forgetten treasdures contest, this most likely wouldve beaten the other Construct. I also love the asdthetics, the stunt ramps on the wall really stood out, also, using a window on the bottom instead of a wall is really neat, I also trust there is no Z-fighting.(?) PS: In the map descripton, installation has 2 'L's d(^.^)b [br][/br]Edited by merge: I DL, and I noticed some things 1(MAJOR) once you get out of sword spawn, there are ledges outside of the wall the wall, you are safe there (so go up lift, walk as far as you can, turn either left or right, and you can camp there. 2) I seem to remember spawning at sword as either yellow or green team. 3) The roof os sniper spawn is too close to the bottom 4) Its prettry bumpy going from under sniper spawn to sword spawn, 5) by the ramps leading to the exit of the side lifts, theres a ledge you can camp on. Other that that, awesome remake!