Remake Backwash

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by HealedWolf, Nov 28, 2010.

  1. HealedWolf

    HealedWolf Forerunner

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    I haven't see any Backwash remakes before so I was dieing to give it a try. This is what I came up with. Due to the limitations in forge and the change in physics in Reach I made some compromises I don't like but I hope You enjoy. (If you hate the light effects remove them or try adding the fallowing insted: colorblind, nextgen, juicy, and purple)


    YouTube - Halo Reach - Backwash Remake (forge map)
    #1 HealedWolf, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  2. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    Not sure if this qualifies as a legitimate post. I guess so since you have a pic, Dl link, and a description; but your description is more of an explanation. I'm downloading because I loved Backwash and this seems to be the only one. Plus it looks pretty accurate due to the fact that you can't alter the terrain.
  3. HealedWolf

    HealedWolf Forerunner

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    Thanks I think

    I'm new to forge hub as of this day so i'm still not use to this sorry if there is a lack of info :)
  4. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    YES! Finally a remake of this map.
  5. HealedWolf

    HealedWolf Forerunner

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    That's what I said

    That's what I said when I finished :) spreed the word Backwash is here.
  6. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    All we need now is Waterworks! And Example, District and Uplift.
  7. I Killed Kenny

    I Killed Kenny Forerunner

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    Yess thanks for this you should make more remakes cause this one plays really similarly. Bravo.
  8. Grave Robber

    Grave Robber Ancient
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    Haha, I downloaded this when I wanted to remake backwash, being I didn't remember the center structure that well. I thought you did a good job at accuracy but hindered on materials available to you. IE: no trees :p.
  9. kingcole225

    kingcole225 Ancient
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    I was always the loner in my group of friends... Loved Backwash
  10. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Finally got around to doing a walk through of this map. Seeing as this is the only backwash remake I have seen(at least on these forums), I thought it was pretty good. It could use some improvements, but it did capture the mood of the original backwash very nicely.

    First of all, horrible frame rate lag looking at the center structure. (Mind you, I'm looking at it by myself in a custom game, I couldn't imagine how it actually plays with many people). Its a shame, because the center structure is by far the most accurate feature of the map to the original.

    Second, the starting bases are too shallow. I remember in the original backwash the starting bases had some depth to them.

    I could swear there was a rocket launcher in the original backwash opposite from the sword downed "tree".

    Also, this might just be aesthetic nit picking but I thought the flood theme of backwash was important. There was one rocky outcropping that acted as an overhang in the original backwash that had glowy "flood spores" on it. I think you could get the same effect with a tin cup merged into the rock all the way until the green just barely pokes out of the rock.

    Anyway, I thought the map looked pretty good, and keep the good forging coming.
  11. timothy pumpkin

    timothy pumpkin Forerunner
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    ha that would be pretty impressive, but the remakes so far are very good, really like this one not to bothered about the compromises just hoping it will get into mm some how, maybe a 'remakes' playlist, if there was one this would be be in there good job.
  12. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Moved from Casual to Competitive.
  13. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Well it resembles Backwash slightly... but thats probably the only positive thing I've got to say about it, so enjoy that.

    I'm going to put aside the fact that its a Backwash remake and just say; it vaguely resembles Backwash but falls far short of what I'd expect given what we can do in Reach's Forge.

    Now, as a map.
    Spawn points. Where are they? Go look at how many spawn points Bungie has placed on their maps and where they've placed them. There's a lot, isn't there?
    If you play a game on this map you'll find everyone will spawn in very predictable locations and spawn camping is going to be so easy.
    I don't intentionally spawn camp, but I will do when there are very few points and they're badly placed, just to rub the Forger's face in the fact that they need fixing.

    And the starting points? Seriously? 16 for each team?

    Generally, it sort of looks like you went in to it blind. Well, not blind, I mean you were copying an existing map but its clear you didn't plan it out well at all.
  14. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Ok you win for most obscure remake. I really liked this map and remember that most people didnt like it much. The filter adds just enough gloominess to make it still playable. Great job, my customs group really liked it.


  15. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    You know, i was one of those rare people who loved nothing more than sneaking around this map with active camo. I honestly totally forgot it existed until i saw this remake, nice choice, a map we havent really seen yet that's just the right scale to remake in reach. I should thank you for reminding me.

    DLing now

    well, there's a bit of screen lag when looking at the center structure but look and feel-wise it's definitely close aside from being outside. One of the few maps where FX totally fit perfectly. Haven't played on it, but maybe i'll give it a go next time im in a customs party.
    #15 CHUCK, Dec 9, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2010
  16. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    I've downloaded and had a decent walkthrough of the map. At the same time I had a video of the original Backwash playing. Comparing the two, apart from improved graphics and forge world's restricted structures, the terrain, scenery and the visual effects of your remake are surprisingly accurate. I like how you replaced the focus rifle for the sentinel beam.

    However, there are a few questions I need to ask regarding your map. Where are the spawns? If I'm not mistaken there were a lot more spawn points in Halo 2's version... Another thing, there is a rocket launcher in the original and what are the spikers replacing?
  17. HealedWolf

    HealedWolf Forerunner

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    I Love all the feedback I'm getting it helps me understand what I can Improve on, so I'll answer the fallowing.

    1) I used the halo 2 manual which had a map of backwash it also showed were all the power weapons were, I don't know why there wasn't any rockets?
    2) No SMGs in Halo Reach so I added spikers best I could come up with.
    3) Try viewing the map on foot when in forge mode it will reduce the look of the map.
    4) I'm not much for placing spawns, never know were to put the things, it also doesn't help when you have no one test the map for you so. I don't think I even played on this map with more than 2 people on this map
    5) I Made it more out of respect than to play on it, if anyone noticed.
    #17 HealedWolf, Dec 17, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  18. GTA_Tom_V

    GTA_Tom_V Ancient
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    I loved backwash in halo 2.

    the map looks pretty good, although open. the fx fits this map perfectly and almost makes it feel like its not really that open at all.

    From what i noticed off the bat, when i spawned outside of the map, was that the spawn points needed to be fixed, but i understand that you left that alone so thats kool and i already fixed that.

    the map itself though looks really accurate, but kinda laggy in the center. I dont know if theres a way around that, i havent really checked that out in forge, only to place spawns for slayer.

    If you need people to help test your map, me and my friend would love to test it out with you.

    my gt is:
    GTA Tom V

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