So I was on lurking around the medals and I took a look at the file which has all of the large versions of the medals. I came across this medal: I thought it looked like the multi-kill medal from Halo: 3's campaign, but I didn't remember seeing it in Reach. I looked around the different types of game modes to see if it was somewhere like in Firefight or Campaign, but nothing. What is it? Did Bungie originally plan to just have this medal pop up when you get a multi-kill in campaign?
Is this not the multi kill medal used in FF or Campaign? If not, meh. Thats what it looks like, so thats about all I have.
I believe you can do the following in the URL to be given a larger version. /big/medal.gif It worked for weapon icons, so I'm only assuming it would also work for medals as well.
I like this idea. While we're on the subject, does anyone else think that "Opportunist" was a better name than "Reload This!" for the medal when you kill someone who's reloading?
I agree. Reload This kind of sounds awkward. But I also suppose "Opportunist" can mean alot of different things in peoples heads, which may cause some confusion. Also, I believe the Incineration medal is is still listed for Reach, although that might be a oversight on Bungies part.