Titan Is a fairly large map designed for Big Team Battle. There are two areas to the map. One being the ground, where each team has their base and it also has a neutral base off to side. Inside of each base there is a two-way teleporter up to the front of the ship and on the front corner of each base there are man cannons that shoot you to the 3rd floor of the neutral base. Outside of the bases towards the "sea cliff" is a Man Cannon that shoots you up into a teleporter that puts you inside the ship. The neutral base across the way is a 4-story building that also has a way up into the ship. The second area (and my favorite) is the Battlecruiser-like ship that is floating above the map. This ship is a decent size, but doesn't have as much cover as the ground level. It also has working drop pods to get back to the ground level and two two-way teleports at the front end of the ship that go to each teams' base. As for the weapons, there is a plasma repeater in the middle of each base and a plasma pistol on the ramp going out of them. On top of each base is the sniper rifle and also a Turret in the front. On the bottom level of the neutral base you will find a shotgun placed right in front of a teleporter that sends you to the second level. The second level is bare, with only a plasma pistol in the middle surrounded by a couple grenades. The third level is equipped with a concussion rifle (aka "the fun gun") with lots of extra ammo (because it is one of my favorites.) The top floor has a balcony with a focus rifle. The ship is equipped with a Spartan Lazar (in the back "engine" room), two needler rifles (in the back "wing" section), a plasma pistol in the neck of the ship, a plasma repeater in the front, and a DMR under every one of my 5 drop pods. There are grenades spread throughout the level in "high traffic" areas. Lift to Ship: Back Wing Drop Pod: Left Wing of Ship: Engine Room: Drop pods in Neck of Ship: Neutral Base: Blue Base: Red base: Overview:
Heads up, there is an incredable Colossus Remake named 'Titan'. I think you should change your name. Because a lot of people probably wouldn't agree with the above post.
Thanks! its gotten over 8300 downloads before i posted it here so hopefully everyone likes it just as much here as on bungie! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for the input, but i rather enjoy the name. And, people can clearly see this is no remake so having the same name is irrelevant.
I didn't post it on any other site. I just had it up in my file share and it has gotten that many downloads just from people on bungie.net
Downloaded to see just why this has so many dl's ! more pics would help, very difficult to see from the 1 pic but it has so many likes on your file share to get my dl. nice work!
Aweseome! let me know what you think of it! I describe where the weapons are in my description (though i know not many ppl want to read it, but that is their problem =D) and yea ill add some more pics of it when i get back to my xbox!
I swear to you. I don't even know of any other sites besides this one to post Forge Maps. Added some more Pics!!! Hope they show it off a little better! =D
SCII Battlecruiser OMG. But seriously, how did you get over 8300 downloads from just having it on your file share? I struggle to get over a 100 on any of my maps (I haven't reached that goal yet, but Marauder has 77 ). Tell me your secrets!
Umm....good Tags? lol. I seriously have no idea. All i did was upload it to my fileshare and tag it with a few different key words lol. other than that, i didnt do anything. Except of course recommend it to my friends!
Recommendations get most dls plus the cool name i already had it from bungie. The pics are much better now . The map plays really well. Great forging,. Congratulations on the success of your map... woooow this is only a few days old, I thought it was out months ago, the dls are going crazy on this map for you.
This map looks AWESOME! I did come across something though when walking through the map that could be an issue. In the spaceship...thingy, you have a bunch of cool spots where the floor can collapse and what not but you are using "fixed" weapons (DMRs to be specific) to hold them in place. Fixed weapons can be a finicky thing because once the person who picks them up gets killed or drops the weapon they stay "in place" suspended in midair and can't be picked up again.
yea i thought about that too. The only other option is to just use assault rifles so they pick up ammo but if they dont have an assault rifle, it wont work. Also, i put the respawn time for the DMR's at 3 seconds trying to make it so they arent just floating around forever. and from the 2 custom games i've played on it so far, only the enemy team can see the DMR after you die and drop it aannnd they've been able to pick them up too. I don't know why that is but that's how its working. and because of that i don't think its too big of a deal.