HELLO AGAIN, FORGEHUB! It's me, HI IM CAPS LOCK, here with a new and exciting gametype I like to call, The Playing Field. This is a re-imagining of G0DS R3RG3T's Gods fun field: YouTube - Halo 3 Forge map #7 "Gods Fun Field" The concept of this map is simple, the humans spawn on this platform: And the zombies spawn near a few teleporters that send them to these platforms: and shoot at the humans driving around on the platform. As you can see from this video: YouTube - Halo showcase episode 5: The playing field (Mini-game map) that the map is very fast paced, hectic, and the funnest map/gametype I've created to date. Here's a list of the settings that affect gameplay: ZOMBIES: Damage modifier: 100% Melee modifier: 0% Starting weapon: Plasma Pistol Grenade count: No grenades Infinite ammo: Enabled Vehicle usage: Full use Movement: Unchanged Damage resistance: 100% Shield modifier: No shields Shield recharge rate: 0% Forced color: Off HUMANS: Damage resistance: 50% Shield Multiplier: Normal Shields Damage modifier: 100% Primary Weapon: Plasma pistol Secondary Weapon: None Starting equipment: None Grenade Count: None Movement: Unchanged Appearance: Unchanged Scoring: Kill Points: 1 Survivor Victory: 1 Kill Points: 1 Last man bonus: 5 Zombie Kill Points: 10 Also, on this map two kill balls spawn and roll across the playin field a few seconds in, and repeatedly through the game. Okay, now here are some action shots for all of you awesome guys and gals out there. Thanks, bless your face, peace off. DOWNLOAD MAP DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE
Honor code? Is there anything to keep the humans from jumping out of their vehicles and going on foot? (therefore making them a harder target?) Because it seems like a lot of people would do that to try not to get killed
Try that. Let me know how it goes, if you look at the video when my friend got off his ghost, he was killed almost immediately. It makes you a smaller target, but a much slower one, so you're really much easier to hit.
Cool Haha, okay then, I didn't quite imagine it working that way But you got my download, man. It looks really fun!
Hey i just want to say that this gametype has been done before .. and was in H3 , so look around before you say its new, however you have altered it abit.. the orginal is called ants on a peanut , but i like that you have a variety of vehicals and i like how you have curved the level and you also have two zombies shooting instead of one.
Oh, I never played that, sorry Anyways, I wouldn't really call it a remake, because of what you pointed out. I'll check out ants on a peanut though, see if I really did just rip someone off unknowingly. EDIT: I could only find the new Reach remake, not the original. I didn't realize that they were so similar, so I played it, expecting it to be the same feeling when I played it. It wasn't. It wasnt as hectic or fast paced. Mind you, it is still a very fun map. It's different enough for me not to have to call this a remake.
Interesting Idea Looks cool (I haven't run customs on it yet, I'll get back to you on that). If you really wanted to make it so that players could not get out of vehicles, you could place a sender node encompassing the entire human platform with a receiver under the water. The vehicles wouldn't teleport (as long as the teleporter is players-only) but the players would if outside their vehicles.
If I did that, they would all immediately teleport into the water upon spawning. Also, before anyone suggests it, if I made it so that the players couldn't move, they would be screwed if their vehicle flipped. Mind you, they pretty much are from the get-go, but I wanted to give them at least a fighting chance of getting back on.
It was inspired by his H3 map "G0DS FUN FIELD", I changed it up a lot though, I bet you hadn't even heard of him before Reach, I'm a huge fan of his and I felt his Reach remake fell a little short. So I stepped in and re-created it. I made quite a few changes that make the game a lot different than his. It's much faster paced. Sorry for the confusion.
Just in case you don't know G0DSR3GR3T made a remake on Reach. Not saying you stole his thunder, just a little note for you.