Carter's Crash is based on the third-to-last mission on Halo: Reach, when Carter crashed his Pelican. It should show the crash site as well as fire around the area and a gun cache near the crashed Pelican. If possible, alien sounds, blood splatter, and dead bodies should be scattered around the area. I wouldn't put more 4 v. 4 in there. (Could you please give me credit for the idea on the bottom of the description in game and on the forums.
You do understand you can't place anything you suggested..? You can't place fire, sounds, or dead bodies in Forge.. -_-
It's not really much of an idea. Neither is it based off the 'third-to-last' mission. For one, we never saw where Carter crashed so theres nothing to base it off and then theres the whole thing about not being to place anything you suggested. Sorry to burts your bubble bro but nobody is gonna take your idea. You could try it yourself though.
I never knew we couldnt put blood splatter. I said "if possible" because I havent gotten into forge that long.
I wouldn't exactly say "nobody" would consider this idea. Yes, it would help if you took the time to learn your way around forge, but still. Can't say much for the crash site because there was a pretty nasty drop for the scarab, and the pelican would most likely be disintegrated from the impact and superheated plasma. Yet a pelican flying into the scarab would be a pretty cool aesthetic map.
lmao... if this wasn't even available in Halo 3, what could possibly make you think anything purely aesthetic like that would be possible? Then the whole, dead bodies thing? WTF? Even someone just getting into forge would know that's not possible.
techinically you can do a crash if you set a vehicile in the air and put a kill boundry on it It will explode and bfall on fire.
technically you can create bodues and splatters by spawning people in the sky so they fall and die just because you can doesn't mean you should just let this die already, it isn't really woeth a front page spot, the problem has been resolved
Not true... you can create a pelican is forge as I have a friend, who has done so. However this pelican was made out of blocks and shapes in the structure section of forge. Flame... you can create the illusion of flame with a carefully position red light source. As for bodies, well... a good game of slayer will provide plenty of bodies to the landscape.