Map Description: This is a town map that is heavily inspired by Somethingggg's Township. There are multiple little buildings and weapons scattered about. Each of the buildings has either a crate or a die that can be used to barricade the doorway. Overhead shot of map: Game Description: Humans have one minute to prepare for the zombie outbreak. They should find some better weapons and form groups and barricade themselves inside of any of the little buildings. Zombies come out 60 seconds into the game, approximately 10 seconds after nightfall. Nightfall lets you know when the zombies are about to come out. Zombies start off inside an observation box above the map. Inside they can either play with a soccer ball or look below them and observe the humans. When one minute is up, the zombies will be teleported onto a rooftop. From then on, they will respawn on the rooftops. Yes, this game is inspired by both Township and Nightfall.. Gametype: Zombies cannot be instant killed with headshots, as in this gametype they have non-regenerating normal shields. Humans start with plasma pistols and magnums, so they should find better weapons. They have limited ammo, 200% damage resistance so that it takes two slashes to infect them, no radar, normal jump height, normal speed, and infinite sprint so that at the start they can sprint around. The Humans: The Zombies starting box: The Village: Action shots: Special thanks to: Somethingggg, for making Township, and anyone who helped test this map.
this map looks really run, I like the idea of having a little time to pick your holdout spot and also the gun store is a nice touch. blocking the doors looks like it could be frustrating to the zoms but screw them they are bound to die a few times before accomplishing anything anyway. message me if you want to play I am on zReachcustoms2. My GT is Montressor.
I like all the different buildings but the one thing I think is that 90 seconds might be a little long for the zombies even with a soccer ball.
Yes, a definite copy. They both use Forgeworld, that's enough proof. Not really. The idea has been around since Halo 3. In fact, this almost seems like blatant advertising of your map. It looks okay, but is there more than one entrance to every building? If not I could see this getting incredibly unbalanced. But the idea of blocking off doors hasn't been used much in reach, so good work. How easy is it for the zombies to move the door (on a scale of 1 to 10)? And do they die in one headshot? What weapons are on the map?
Blocking the doors isn't too frustrating, considering that it is pretty easy for the zombies to knock them in or knock them down. Zombies can also slash through windows if the humans get too close. I actually made this map some time in October, and have since been altering it a little. It is most certainly not a copy of your map. The idea of zombies getting released after a certain period of time actually comes a map called Nightfall. Nightfall was a map on Standoff. I'm not sure to be honest if that even was the first map to use a timed zombie release. And the idea of barricading inside a building comes from Township. Is this map similar to yours in any other way? Any less than 90 seconds wouldn't be enough time for the humans to prepare. When the round starts, it's a mad dash for the weapons, and some people may need some extra time to look for a better weapon to accompany their magnum. I wish less than 90 seconds would suffice, but it does not. The humans also need to group up and barricade their door, which can easily take 30 seconds or so. It's very easy for the zombies to move the doors. The covenant crates are easy to move, and even easier to move with an energy sword. The dice are almost too easy to move. I actually had to put in railings for some buildings to make it so that the crates wouldn't move too easily, so it's kind of hard to use the scale of 1 to 10. The crates move a lot more easily than the ones in Halo 3, to put it shortly. Do they die in one headshot? Yes. Don't worry too much about it though. Most of the DMRs on the map have no extra clips, and the magnums that humans start with aren't overpowered at all. The zombies have 100% damage resistance and no shields. They respawn on the rooftops. Unfortunately, there was no way to turn off fall damage, so if zombies jump off certain rooftops on certain altitudes, they may kill themselves. Weapons on map: dmrs, magnums, ars, shotguns, sniper rifles, frag grenades, one grenade launcher Edit: I updated the map link. If you have downloaded the map already, you must download the newer version. What was the problem that made me update the map? A soccer ball was sitting over a zombie starting point. Yes, a soccer ball was the problem. And that one soccer ball allowed a zombie to spawn inside the village rather than inside the box.
i did explain in my description that i took the map from halo 3, because i quite obviously did, it's just as soon as i posted it lots like it started poping up, they are better versions i know. these copy's didn't just appear on FH they were croping up here and there, so that's why i thought copy, because you have the same main idea but improved map.
I played this with you last night. It's definately a fun game, and the only thing that is really terribly frustrating is the 90 second wait for the zombies, after that it's actually quite fun for both zombies and humans. Nice find on the soccer ball, I'll definately have to update from the version I saved last night.
Yes! another township map! these are the best infection maps and this one's a keeper. the aesthetics are nice and the layout looks promising. PS. that overrun screenshot looks EPIC
HA yea on halo 3 i made a map almost exactly like this even down to zombies coming from top though i had 2 entrances on each building , zombies waited about 40 seconds or soemthing only i made it so at the 45 seconds marker it would turn to "dawn" then "night" so it worked well looked cool, was called Rombie Town lol before i found forge hub though so for all i know it was original when i made it lol GJ on the map ill give it a DL check out my mini game feed the monster may appreciate the orginality lol
It's a necessary evil. I only wish you could set the options so that you cannot be zombie twice or more in a row, but that would be Bungie's problem for not including the option. Thanks. I hope you enjoy this map.
I don't think 90 seconds is too much for the Zombies...I think it help builds tension on both sides..I hate impatient people who cant even wait a small 90 seconds on halo XD . Ill see if I can try it out..Frankly I'm a little busy making my own maps...
I hate it when zombies quit before they get out, because then someone else is forced into being a zombie and the whole round is ruined. It can be frustrating when you are a human who has found some weapons and barricaded yourself in a building, and then suddenly someone quits and you're a zombie. I understand why Bungie put in this new feature, but it just is very frustrating when it happens to you.
Well personally I like the way it is now...But if it is happening too often maybe you should lower the time to 60-50 seconds I dunno...When exactly they start quitting?
OMG was just browsing through random maps and found this. I take it Sam = Sam (somthing) 187 i think. I played with you and lots of other people on this map, i'm OOFT Muzz. This was amazing to play on just because it's such a fun zombie map. You really get the feel that zombies are trying to knock your front door down to eat your brains because well... they are! Definatly getting a download!