Cubist Relating to the Natural Form. 4-16 Players. Supports All Gametypes. Designed by Vincent Torre. Designed and Forged by: MickRaider Gametypes: All gametypes supported Recommended: CTF, Slayer, Stockpile, Assault. 12 players Supports 4-16 players. Description: Cubist is an original map that started as a basic arrangement of cubes, and ended as an intricate series of rooms and corridors. I came up with the idea of stacking cubes in a certain way to be used as both passageways and walk ways. I built the basic layout of cubes in forge, then began expanding on it. I attempted to design it such that the main level was the highest weighted to encourage players to stay on it, but with plenty of options and routes to encourage players to traverse vertically through the level. Players seem to have been enjoying it, so I hope you do as well! Weapon List: [weapon]/[number on map]/[# of clips]/[respawn time] DMR / 8 / 2 / 30 Needle Rifle / 2 / 2 / 30 Plasma Repeater / 2 / 2 / 30 Plasma Pistol / 4 / 2 / 30 Needlers / 3 / 2 / 30 Concussion Rifle / 2 / 2 / 90 Grenade Launcher / 1 / 5 / 90 Sword / 1 / 2 / 90 Sniper / 1 / 1 / 120 Rocket Launcher / 1 / 0 / 90 Plasma Grenades / 18 / 15 Health Packs / 6 / 15 Videos: [bungievid]10452209[/bungievid] Pictures: Center Lift: Blue Base: Purple Room Yellow Room: Brown Room: Green Room: Upper Level: Orange Room: Orange Hallway: Pink Room: Overview: Thanks for checking my map out. I'm open to constructive criticism and comments. Acknowledgments: I'd like to thank everyone for the feedback I've received so far. And everyone else who pitched their thoughts to me in testing. Click here to Download Cubist
I'm surprised this has fallen to the second page without a single reply. Anyway, I have not gotten the chance to playtest this map with friends so if any of these concerns I bring up wasn't much of a big deal in your playtests than never mind, but just in my walkthrough I had some minor concerns. First, I felt like I was in a constant mind f*** while moving around the level lol. It's very hard to orient yourself to what level you're on or where you are in that level. You say in your pictures that the architecture is color themed to what team spawn it is but it is very hard to notice when just moving from area to area. So if I was playing a competitive team slayer map and said, "I'm at the purple spawn", unless everyone has played this map 20 times, I doubt that would associate purple spawn with the area in your picture. I'm sure when there are people playing on this map and you see enemies all around you its easier to tell where you are in relation to them but even then its hard to know what level you're on, and what level you want to get to easily. I'm not sure how to fix this issue without changing the aesthetics of the map, and it isn't that big of a problem if you just play the map many times. Maybe one obvious feature can be added to each area to really make it stand out? Second, I barely noticed the lifts. There are ways of moving up the different levels everywhere and they are pretty hard to notice. Especially the elevator on the 2nd floor, above the grav lift bottom floor. I wouldn't have noticed it had I not seen the faint blue glimmer coming from it. I don't know how many people used your lifts and elevators in actual gameplay but I know if I was in the heat of the action being shot at I wouldn't notice that elevator or those energy shield lifts. The elevators could be made more obvious by merging something that makes an up pointing arrow into it. The lifts, possibly 2 guide rails to signify a ladder would make them more appealing. Again, these two concerns are minor and probably would go away if the map is played...a lot. Lastly, the weapons. The sniper and rockets are on the same level and within like a 5 second walk from each other. That is a no no. I'd place the sniper rifle on the top floor and put a needle rifle in place of where the sniper was. You have barely any weapons on the bottom floor (I think it was just a plasma pistol) and I don't remember any weapons on the top floor. So this forces everyone to hover around the main floors (2 and 3) when they need ammo or a better weapon. Other than trying to escape the action or getting the high ground there isn't much reason to go to the top floor or bottom floor. The bottom floor has all the grav lifts but one wouldn't need them if you had a jetpack. Also why no shotgun? You have a sword (which I think is great for this map). A shotgun would balance the sword out nicely and seeing as most of the map is close quarters it would be a good power weapon. I don't like the concussion rifle on this map, just doesn't seem useful. It isn't very powerful, just annoying and with all the cover I doubt many kills will be recorded with it. I'd replace it with some magnums or spikers, or both. I guess out of those 3 main concerns, the weapons one is the most pressing as I think the game really would be better if those weapon changes would be made. But anyway, the map was well forged and I can see some great multi-team slayer games being played on it, as well as assault or KOTH.
I had the same frustrations with this map when i first played it. Its got a kind of steep learning curve to it. If you're the type of player that is okay with that, you'll have a good time on this map. Like i said, it took me a few games to learn the map, but once i did, i enjoyed it greatly. I rec Stockpile, Multi-Team, and Oddball games on this for everyone to try out. Great job, mick, lookin forward to the next.
The disorientation of the map was one of my biggest disappointments with it. Having a square shape it is very difficult to tell which direction is which. I attempted to design it such that even if you didn't fully understand the level, moving around was enjoyable and something to be encouraged. Players often complained about the disorienting effect, but I couldn't come up with a good enough solution to it. I tend to view it as a comparable level of complexity to Countdown. Simple enough to wander around on, but truly understanding it is a huge asset to gameplay. I tried everything to make my ladders more obvious. I thought the blue glow was enough to make it stand out, and I think most players tend to notice it. Watching gameplay videos people seem to find it, I hope you have the same experiences. The sniper and rockets were a bit of a concern, mostly because players tend to move circularly through the map. I didn't ever notice a player with both rockets and sniper, especially since the rocket only has 2 shots in it. As for the 1st and 4th floor being limited in their weapon selection, this was "by design." I wanted those two floors to be "Get in quick and get out" to encourage flow. If I added additional weapons to these areas players would be encouraged to stay in them, thus not needed to traverse the main floors. I considered adding a shotgun, but my maps have been criticized in the past for being a bit weapon heavy. I thought the concussion rifle was a good "use this to blast shields and then switch weapons." If you watch the gameplay video in the file set you'll see me doing pretty good with the concussion rifle. Since bungie doesn't place many magnums or spikers I tend to follow suit. I hope you enjoy it. I think that Multi-team is really the best choice for this map. Give 4 team stockpile a shot if you have a chance!
oh man i was excited to see a map with the word "cube" in it. i had an idea to make a map based on the movie Cube (see below) but i could only see it being played with zombies...this map is not based on the movie but with that being said it looks beautiful. the first pic with the lift looks very promising, ill have to DL it and give it a go! good job mick cube the movie Cube (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Like Titmar, I also had some frustrations with my first time playing this map. It was mostly lack of knowledge and perhaps the gametype (stockpile was what I tested) but I soon appreciated the intricacy of the map. The middle lift is really awesome, and never one let me down. In addition, the verticality of the map was very well done, with the exception of a few dead ends and finding out what side you're one. Overall, it's a really great map, but it does have a bit of a learning curve.
This has been my attitude as well. I wish I could have figured out a more elegant way of orienting the player so the learning curve was a bit less steep, but without sacrificing huge chunks to make it more open I don't think it was possible. I'm glad people are still enjoying it even with the limitations.
I wasn't even aware you released this badboy, I've always loved all the playtests we've had on it and like I've said before, I approve of the mancannon in the center. I don't know if anything has changed since, but I'll definitely give it a download regardless.
I'd like to get a game on this, it looks interesting. When I do I'll try to remember to come back to this and give you feedback. Sure does have alot of cubes. By the way your video isn't working, but maybe that's just me.
I don't understand your statement - Countdown is a very simple map to figure out and within one or two playings. I can't tell from the pictures is this map constructed to be symetrical?
Every time I've played on this map I've struggled with orientation. I often times would get confused as to where exactly I was and it was difficult to learn how to navigate the map. That aside, I've found it to be an enjoyable experience. It was a good game. Haven't played it in over a week since my last time doing customs with y'all tho.
WOW! That's so cool, also, how did you get the colors to show with multiple people in custom games, whenever I change the colors of objects they just return to neutral in custom games.
The map is perfectly symmetric. And that's what I mean, The first game you might struggle with the design, but after 1-2 games players tend to know enough about the map to move around comfortably on, but it still takes a bit more time than traditionally simple maps. Yeah I'm not sure what's up with that, I guess I should move it to youtube. Yeah it's more of less the same since the beginning I released it when I submitted it for Forgetac, so it was a bit of a quiet release.