_[[D_EFC_ON LABS]]_ By TheHatofWin Hello Forgechubbers, this is my latest slayer map DEFCON labs, and as you can see by the name it has to do with CoD: BO. Basically this is inspired by the map "five" from zombies on CoD: BO. I can't really make a good layout for this map, so all i can show you is just pictures of different rooms. You would have to play this to get a feel for the map, and also don't use jet pack it's useless on this map. So, not much more to say, download, play, comment. ... pics .... One DMR One needle rifle One shotgun One spiker One needler One plasma rifle One plasma repeater This is one of the four teleporters, once you go through it you go into a hall way and at the end of it is another teleporter. Kindof like in the teleporters in CoD: BO's zombie mode. There is one way shield doors so you can't camp in it, so don't worry. Then it spits you out of one of the four teleporters.
Haaaaat. You made a map that contradicts your best *cough cough noob cough cough hack* style of gameplay. BTW weapons list plex. First question, how many DMRs and snipers? (for all dem headshawt hoes out dere)
It's funny how so many people bitched about my secret armory on factions, even though i never used it and was never going to use it. Don't talk about that here because people will think this map has secret weapons, even though your talking about a whole different map and gametype. One DMR One needle rifle One shotgun One spiker One needler One plasma rifle One plasma repeater
Hat, this looks pretty sick. I do fer sure love your aesthetics. It looks like it'd be confusing to gain a sense of orientation when playing it though. I guess you'd figure out the layout after a while, depending on how big it is of course... how big is it..? Anyway, I'm gonna download this, it looks sickkkk.
If you read the post you would realize jet packs suck on this map. It's very easy to learn the layout, and it's a relatively small map.
Yeah, I should of realised that from the recomended player count. I just realised though, you can go into a teleporter and come out of the same teleporter you just enterered right?
Yes, but you can come out a different teleporter. Also you go through a short hallway to recharge shields and take a break from the action.
I realised you could come out of a different teleporter (It would kind of defeat the purpose otherwise). Maybe we could play this next time we're waiting for people to join so we can play factions.
Just like on COD the teleporters disorient you. They're a good way to escape, but a good way to get confused too. Nice map though. It doesn't have the eerie 'I wan GTF outa here' kinda feeling that the map "five" has. It may be annoying but maybe try the green filter.
I prefer not to use filters, i don't believe they help the map. This is not supposed to be a infection map, it's supposed to be a competitive slayer map and i think filters hurt that goal. I will experiment though.
I have played this map and had a blast. Hat, you truly did a great job with the asthetics and a hell'a a maze from black ops zombies and turned it into a ballenced, fair and fun map. I love playing it! You should keep the effects for slayer but go into a lobby and boot up a game of infection forge. you could put red lights with a orange FX and have a spawn box containing a sender teleporter for the zombies. then they would basicaly come from everywhere and make for a intense, close encouter, infection game. possibly adding weapons with the infection setting too. Its you call my good head accesory =)
I'll probably make a more linear version of this map for a zombie mode, i am looking for someone to help perfect the infection gameplay and balance it on this map or the next version. I don't make infection maps so that's why i'll need some help.
DEFCON Labs Upon first glance of this map, the player immediately discovers he is in the bowels of a seemingly overrun or destroyed research lab of sorts. DEFCON Labs, inspired by the Call of Duty Zombies map, “Five”, sadly does not offer an exceptional play experience. While the concept remains genuine, DEFCON is plagued with large rooms on the outskirts of the map that are nothing more than enormous spawn spaces. These rooms, while pretty, offer no real potential for gameplay and are often the ideal roost for a fellow who likes to camp. Most of the rooms outside of the main corridors serve as not much more than clutter. The main corridors of DEFCON are where most of the action takes place. Ironically, framerate lag is severe in several areas of the main corridor. In particular, framerate lag is prominent near the teleporters and where the Needle Rifle spawns. This is one of the most complained about problems in Halo: Reach Forge maps and it has a horrible effect on gameplay. This could be because a vast majority of the map is visible at all times and that creates mass strain on the game engine and mass frustration in players. The teleporter system poses another problem within itself. While unique in structure, when it comes actually playing with it, there are issues. Upon going through the teleporter, a series of one-way shield doors push a player into another teleporter and out the other side of the map. Thanks to the audio cue of a player entering the teleporter system and the good 5 seconds it takes to get through it, players have ample time to get near the exit teleporter and be ready to pummel an unsuspecting traveler. This encourages a lot of camping near the teleporters and many unhappy remarks from the tele-travelers. Thanks to the map's single level playing field, lateral dominance is not an issue. While such a trait may be good for balance, single-tiered maps severely limit playability and lead to stale gameplay that greatly reduces the lifespan of the map. DEFCON Labs does not have any overpowered weapons that could allow a player to dominate the map. Considering the close quarters mostly present in the map, it was a very wise choice to leave out powerful close quarters weapons like the sword or the hammer and include one shotgun as a power weapon. At the same time, tight halls and very close line of sight blockers often rendered the medium-ranged weapons on the map useless and mass melee ended up being the prevalent choice. Line of sight blockers on a map this size was not a bad idea, but precision weapons in DEFCON Labs were generally ignored and the more effective automatic weapons were sought after. Physically, DEFCON Labs is inescapable. The completely enclosed play space does not even shine light, much less a hole for escape. Players never experienced a wayward spawn outside of the map. In addition, no viable areas can be exploited for player gain. Once, during testing, a player was hung up on a slightly uneven lip in the teleporting room, but it was hardly an issue. DEFCON Labs is, by all manners, airtight. Within the airtight bubble, there is a different durability issue to mention. Spawning is utterly atrocious. People would spawn in front of and behind enemies, right in the middle of a gunfight between other players, and in a couple of instances on top of another player. In fact, very seldom did a player ever spawn out of harm’s way. If they did, it was in one of the outer rooms where immediately after stepping off their spawn a player would spawn behind them. Spawns of this quality becomes extremely frustrating very quickly. Many of the spawn errors could be because this is mostly an FFA map, but a lot of it has to do with the size of the map. Often times there just is no safe place to spawn because an enemy is always in the influence vicinity of just about any spawn point in the map. Spawns are also somewhat predictable, so a considerable amount of spawn camping becomes an issue as well. A further look in forge also revealed that there really are not many spawn points on the map either. Perhaps simply adding some spawn points would do well to alleviate some of the spawning issues. DEFCON Labs may be an inescapable map, but the spawn system certainly needs some work. DEFCON, or Defense Readiness Condition, is something this laboratory clearly lacked. Upon walking into DEFCON Labs, the players are immediately immersed in a realm that was victim to a vicious attack. The aesthetic work behind DEFCON Labs is by far the most impressive aspect of this stage. The theme is clear and very well executed. Offices, dining tables, and other lab like chambers are all present. Even the inaccessible room that teased players with a mass of power weapons provided an insight as to what may have been studied or developed in this ominous lab. This in combination with a believable amount of destruction creates a very science fiction feel for the map. The only downside to the creative aesthetics is the morbid amount of framerate lag in many areas that is caused by the sheer number of objects used at one time to create these impressive visuals. One aesthetic piece does feel incredibly unnecessary and that is the teleporter room. Sure, it is an interesting and original idea that adds to the sci-fi feel of the map, but the room often has an adverse effect to gameplay and sometimes throws players out of the same teleporter they entered from the room. Disorienting aesthetics are never good for a map. The couple of flaws in the aesthetics are vastly outweighed by the creativity put into designing the atmosphere of this decrepit facility. DEFCON Labs' tight corridors, claustrophobic feel, and sci-fi appeal create an inherent sense of paranoia in the player even in Slayer. These qualities beg to question why this map was not designed to support Infection. DEFCON Labs' individual traits are not exactly original, however the way they are all put together creates an interesting and unique atmosphere. In terms of gameplay, DEFCON Labs suffers primarily because of its single tiered layout. Like it or not, a map with one level often provides little in player strategy and intuition. In the end, game play ends up looking like a ‘run-and-gun and see how long you live’ situation. Sadly, this kind of game play becomes very dull very fast, and it is certainly not original. Rating Multipliers [floatleft]Enjoyment: Balance: Durability: Aesthetic : Originality: [/floatleft]4 x 3.0 = 12 out of 30 6 x 3.0 = 18 out of 30 5 x 1.5 = 7.5 out of 15 7 x 1.5 = 10.5 out of 15 5 x 1.0 = 5 out of 10 Final Score
First, let me say thank you for testing my map. The main reason i chose to not include infection, was because I feared of some gameplay problems. I expected that this map wasn't going to be great in the spawns, and I knew this map would require a v2. I feel that if a map is going to be for infection, that it should be tailored specifically to infection with every effort to gameplay was focused around infection. This map was designed as a tight slayer map, so i focused on just that. I did not want to make this map compatible for a game type it was not designed to play.