Operation Devils Caldron

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ProfessorPoison, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. ProfessorPoison

    ProfessorPoison Forerunner

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    The Covenant have taken over the spartan Aerial Command Center (ACC) with a surprise attack. our forces have re-grouped away from the base. we are preparing for a counter attack. once we destroy the covenant blockade we can radio for support and equipment to drive them out of our command center. once we regain control of the ACC then we will make the final push and drive them out of a forerunner construction 5 klicks from our ACC and off of the planet.


    Phase 1: destroy the covenant barrier.


    plant the bomb at the barrier and push forward!


    Phase 2: retake the ACC and restore order.


    your old command center, restore control and dust off the falcons for the last push to eradicate the covenant from the area.


    Phase 3: take the covenant command center in this forerunner construct, and drive them out of the area for good.


    covenant hanger, you will be met with strong opposition.


    use lift to reach objective.


    rocket turrets; they're armed to the teeth.
    #1 ProfessorPoison, Dec 14, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010
  2. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have not DLed this yet, because I have some real concerns. Are falcons the only way to approach phase 3? If so, I really don't see how they are supposed to get past 4 banshees and two more elites manning either shade turrets of rocket hog turrets?

    What are the spawn times on all these defenses?
  3. WlodygaDeuce

    WlodygaDeuce Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I went to download the map and B.net says it does not exist. could you plz fix this?
  4. ProfessorPoison

    ProfessorPoison Forerunner

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    sorry about the problems downloading ill fix that tomorrow, and i made it so that there are 2 banshees now, shade turret does low damming and rockets are easy to dodge. but i have not played this map on a full scale, or anything close. when i get the chance (dont know when) ill see how hard the defenses are. thanks for all the advice i will look into all of that.

    Edited by merge:

    the problems with downloading have been resolved!
    #4 ProfessorPoison, Dec 15, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010

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