I agree that the 1 spawn is a problem, but I think Paradiso is bad in itself. Sword Base thing is a glitch that will probably be patched if it comes to Bungie's attention, but you (OP) shouldn't be so hostile towards them for having a mistake that no one noticed in the Beta. Cut them some slack; its not like they intentionally put that there and laugh at those who suffer. Pinnacle has bad spawns too and is somewhat annoying because map control includes the two towers and when they are both taken, your team gets sandwitched between the enemy team and are nearly defenseless. Host migration is simply when the connection host switches and everyone in the game pauses, the screen goes black (except for the scoreboard) and is done when the connection host (different from party leader. Its a common mistake that these two get mixed up) either leaves the game or isn't suitable for everyone to connect to. Basically what this does to everyone playing is that everyone pauses, and when they start back up, their killstreaks are reset, their armor abilities occasionally are missing or people's armor ability will still be there, but they have a bright light shining from their backside revealing the ability that they are using.
Bungie does not test with skilled players who are trying to abuse their game, and this has led to all of these problems that should have been noticed and corrected.
It's funny whenever I read threads like this, because (to put it bluntly) the author is always too infuriated to realize that half the **** they're posting is utterly wrong. I'm not implying that is true in this case, I'm just saying. I know you may not realise this, but Bungie does care more about their games than any other developer I've seen. I do agree that there are several major flaws in Matchmaking, and I'm not going to argue with you about that. But just because there are some outstanding flaws in the game DOES NOT mean you can instantly jump to the conclusion that Bungie doesn't care. Because believe it or not, they do.
Wow. I come here and make the unwise decision of posting a rant when I've only taken one of my two daily psych meds (ran out), and it gets three pages of discussion. Whereas I posted a map here a month or two or so ago, and it only got one page (not counting the first post on page two, which was my own and not strictly related to the map). Um... Well, now, I feel awkward and I probably looked and look like a jackass, so... I do see your point, now that I'm... I suppose "more lucid" might be an appropriate phrase? I do get worked up with the game, and a lot of people do RAGE over it. I don't know about others, but I know why I do: the only things I have to do every day are watch TV, play Reach, and surf the Web. I don't live within walking distance of anything interesting, and I can't drive, so... yeah. Would it be an overreaction if I were to boycott any and all Multiplayer Matchmaking playlists that do not feature custom content (Cliffhanger and Atom don't count)?
I cannot believe people are actually surprised that a developer made some mistakes and didn't make their game 100% perfect. Even worse is that they are getting angry over it. News flash: Making a game is hard. Catering to a community as large as this and making a game have zero bugs is even harder still. No matter how many patches Bungie throws out (which isn't easy because Microsoft makes putting patches out a difficult process) there will always be a new glitch that will surface and require a new patch or fix. Your best two options are to either suck it up, put on your big boy pants, and hope that a huge patch comes out fixing everything or quit playing the game.
I read the OP. My post was a response to it. I'm not going to waste my time reading the entire thread that has a purpose for only being a stupid rant about how 'lazy' you think a game developer is. It's even there in the thread title.
Can you do me a favor and read the edited-in little disclaimer box? Feel free to (want to) call me a jackass, but please, at least consider the context for my jackassery when making the statement.
These rant threads really are amusing. Glitches and mistakes are in every game. Fallout has them, COD has them, GTA has them and so does every other game. The only reason you feel the need to complain is because some of these are stopping you from your way. I honestly don't see how this thread has remained open.
Actually, the only reason I felt the need to complain was because I hadn't taken my Ritalin. I agree with you on that last sentence, though: it is a wonder this thing remained open.
I appreciate you manning up and coming back to say that you overreacted. Few people in the internets are willing to do so.
few people are willing to do so in reality as well, because its backpedaling and makes you look like a
I honestly don't see why threads like this are allowed to be started in the first place. The last thing I want is this forum to turn into Bungie's forums with a new thread for each person making a rant. There should be one thread created for all rants to be posted in. Keep all the **** in one place and don't allow it to plague these forums.
All the forged maps made by bungie are terribly made and don't play that well. The competive gameplay isn't fun (except for maybe invasion) and the only thing that keeps me on Reach is the comunity and the maps and gametypes made by it. Bungie seriously need to fix the options for gametype editing, theres so much missing and it's nothing compared to Halo: 3's gametyped editing.
That kind of thought process is what gets people into fights they should have been smart enough to avoid, and nations into wars that bankrupt them and gain them nothing. It's just ****-measuring really. We all need to realize that as human beings, we are capable of being wrong and also capable of taking a legitimate complaint and blowing it way out of proportion. Admitting it doesn't make you less awesome - not in my book anyway.
Its probably still open because people are entitled to their beliefs as long as they present themselves in a way that follows rules. I don't see anything that is illegal in this thread. A person simply hates the game, has negative opinions towards Bungie and presented his/her opinions. So what is wrong with that? Also, keeping every complaint in one thread would almost be equivalent to having only one thread for all Reach maps because many people have various reasons for hating Reach almost like every map post varies in the map themselves (unless maps were stolen).
Don't forget to add that Grenades are still relatively unchanged from the beta, despite being the most hotly discussed issue, up there with Armor Lock. Speaking of that, shield recharge in AL was a big complaint during the beta. And it's still in the game.
Well they kept that the same, but felt that they wouldn't be as much of a problem if you moved faster so they believe that they killed two birds with 1 stone. Also, I rarely see grenade OP threads compared to that of Reticle Bloom and AL threads.
I agree that according to the rules set forth in this forum, there is nothing technically illegal about it. So let's have every person create a separate thread for each and every complaint they ever have with this game. That's what you're saying should be allowed. What's the point of even having forum structure if people do that? I don't agree with that. This is, by far, the most idiotic thing I've ever seen you post... and I normally hold your posts to a higher standard than the average poster. You obviously don't visit Bungie's forums enough to see what happens in your scenario... granted we don't have nearly as many active users as they do, but there is a reason why forums have the features that they do. If anything, my scenario is equivalent to keeping opinions about a forged map, within that thread... and not having everyone create a new thread to state their opinion. Opinions belong in posts, not as thread topics. How many complaint threads on Armor Lock or Bloom do you really want to see if everyone having a complaint with either of them creates their own thread because it's "their" opinion? What happens when 10 kids come in here creating their own "complaint" thread about something they don't like in Reach. That's 10 threads that get pushed down to page 2 and perhaps one or two of them are actually decent discussions. There is a reason why spam is frowned upon in the map threads, it pushes decent maps down to another page. Everyone creating their own "opinion/complaint" thread does the same thing. Do I believe people should be allowed to voice their opinion, yes... but how many new threads should we have over people complaining about the same things? I'm pretty sure that I've seen every single one of his points in his OP expressed at least once in this forum. One general thread to discuss complaints allows an actual discussion and keeps a topic alive and active. Individual topics do nothing be keep people reposting their opinion over and over in every thread. OP should have just put this in his blog.
Well I appreciate your crude honesty -.- I would not mind if there were 1 complaint thread about AL, 1 complaint thread on bloom, etc... Threads are intended for discussion on ANYTHING. There is a difference between having a thread for every opinion and a thread for every opinion on a different subject. 1 complaint thread on something like bloom would be the equivalent of a map post and another complaint thread on bloom would be like re-posting someone else's map. The horrid Bungie.net scenario that you describe only happens because people are idiots and don't use the searchbar to find one of the 9000 threads that are exact copies. They die and have no actual discussion because everyone has seen the same thread over 9000 times (yes I just said "over 9000"), yet complaint threads still seem to stay alive for quite a while and normally become a hot topic because someone actually brings new, good points and presents them without starting a major flame war. 1 thread for every complaint in the game would have many people's discussion starters buried under other people's complaints and replies. this made me lol the most. Most threads are made to discuss the OP's opinion on a subject...