HCTF Citadel v2.2 *Update log- *01/27/11-HCTF Citadel v2.2 - fixed an obvious problem in the ceiling - Added load-out cam - A few color issues - Added Jump spot that was in the original - New Video just let it buff *12/15/10- HCTF Citadel v2.1 - raised floor on yellow base just a hair to match blue side exactly. - made some very minor tweaks to make everything align right **All updates will be on this thread and the original I will keep the same. I will also log all changes at the top of this post- New version of HCTF Citadel to make it more suitable for MLG I have: -removed the lights -replaced some of the merged objects with Colosseum walls. -I have freed up $1,500 and the screen lag seems to be all gone. -Some people have complained about frame rate loss on this map so this should fix that problem but the original looks much better and can be found here HCTF Citadel Original both play the same other than frame rate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an accurate remake of the Halo 3 map "Citadel", from the Mythic Map Pack 2. I really want to say that it is a 1:1 ratio, but there are a few slight changes: first is that the rocket platform is longer in length by 1 meter. I did this in attempt to keep the same look and feel as the original as well as to improve the game play as the jump heights are lesser in Reach. Second, the overall heights are slightly lower again due to the fact that jump heights are lesser in Reach and people aren't likely to play in a custom game type with higher jumps. Lastly, you may notice the pillars are a little bit longer than the original, yet through my testing this does not interfere with the aesthetic game play. Other than these small changes this is an extremely accurate remake of Halo 3's "Citadel" I worked very hard on it and put in well over 70hrs.(I stopped keeping track after 56hrs.) to ensure accuracy and perfection. Also I would like to add that most of the jumps that are in there are mainly the most used from the original; there were only a few that I left out due to the budget. And yes you can make rockets to top yellow or blue without crouching off all eight points of the rocket platform as you can see in the pic. Also I must add that I got all of the coordinates from Halo 3 before I plugged them into HCTF Citadel Thanks for reading and happy killin' - HCTF Reaper Rockets to Top Blue without crouch Top Yellow looking to Blue Top Blue looking to Yellow Yellow Snipe looking to Blue Blue Snipe looking to Yellow Yellow Shotgun Yellow Overshield Blue Overshield Blue Main Base Rocket Platform Yellow Brute Shot Hall Blue Brute Shot Hall w/ jump [bungievid]12202605[/bungievid] be sure to check out other maps in file share!
Still looks good concidering all the money and items you have deleated! The first map was mint! I'm looking forward to seeing how this one compares! I can't really see any difference from your previous map! Which is good.... as I thought it was brilliant!
Cool, makes no difference with me, probably will prefer the first version I have. Will let you know if I feel it is better or worse. What gets me is when you get comments and feedback... so you change the map, do you feel that you prefered the first original one with the nice decorations? or this newer one with less frame rate problems? Because many times I have made and remade maps! And I always find that the original was best looking and most prefered personally!
Yeah I definitely preferred the first just because I put so much effort into making it look good, and also the frame rate never really bothered me anyway. Give the people what they want so thats why I have two diff. versions I'll let the players decide. Feedback is always appreciated and considered. Thanks again!
wow, im going to have to give you a lot of credit for making this map! to be honest, i didnt even look at the map name when i clicked on the thread. i looked at the pictures and thought to myself, this looks a lot like citadel! i saw the map name and i was really surprised that this map is almost an exact remake. 100% good from me!
Fantastic job! This map still looks great and you seemed to have removed any framerate issues. I don't know how people can say that framerate doesn't bother them. If i play a map and it has any framerate issue, I delete it amost immediately. This is one of the most accurate looking and feeling remakes out there. A+
From what I can see, this is a pretty impressive map. You kept to the original really well. I just downloaded it, so I'll play on it later on tonight when I have the chance. Citadel was my favorite map among the Mythic Map Pack besides Heretic due to its great style and its even gameplay. I'll let you know what I think about the gameplay after I play on it for a while...
I finally got in a game on this recently and I have to say it's probably one of the best remakes of any map in forge world, in part since the forge world pieces are forerunner themed, but also because of your forging. My one complaint is kind of hard to explain without a picture, but here goes. The small hiding spots on either sides of the ramp (where the plasmas spawn) that leads up into the left side of the top floor of the base are too low. I had an almost impossible time crouch jumping up from them. I know this is in part because of the limited jump in reach but is there anyway you could add like a cover piece or something as a tiny ramp to let you make that jump more easily? Other than that, great remake, especially since you have a more detailed version and a lag-free version, I appreciate both. If you get a chance, I'd love to hear your feedback on my remakes some time (see below). Sorry for the self-promotion lol.
OK thanks I will look into that and see if I can update the file. ALL UPDATES WILL BE LINKED TO THIS THREAD HCTF Citadel v2 +I will also log the changes @ the top of THIS THREAD+ [br][/br]Edited by merge: A lot of the jumps are made to just barely make it without crouching. I looked into it and found that it was the floor that was just slightly lower than it should have been. I fixed this as well as some other minor details and hope you will all be happy with it. Thank you so much for the input which enabled me to better my map, it's much appreciated.