HCTF Citadel Created by kdavis73 Recommended Players: 2-8 Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF Remake. A word that has been in the hearts of every Halo gamer since Halo 2. As the series progresses, players want more and more to have the classic favorites back to be played once again. In Halo 3, we longed for the maps of Halo 2 and here in Reach we find ourselves once again longing for the great play spaces we once had. However unlike Halo 3, Reach has offered us the ability to bring back these spaces on our own. Thus the success of the remake contest, Forgotten Treasure II, was assured. If it is any testament to the entire contest, the winner was absolutely phenomenal. While being one of the underplayed maps of Halo 3 due to its late release, Citadel was definitely a map players wanted to give a second chance here in Reach. Thanks to them, we have been gifted with a venue variant that plays doubly as well as it did in its original form. Better yet the creator of HCTF Citadel, kdavis73, has done a most excellent job of recreating Halo 3's Citadel. From everything to geometry to aesthetics, HCTF does the job of having players feel like they're back in the Halo 3 environment, which is certainly the most important aspect of a remake. In terms of gameplay, Citadel adds a style of gameplay that Reach is quite lacking in: symmetrical, 4v4 slayer. Players who enjoy DMR and Sniper gameplay will certainly enjoy the competitive nature of Citadel. Of all the contests Forge Hub has held, Forgotten Treasures II is certainly the most successful. It is thanks to forgers like kdavis who poured their heart and soul into their creations. Thank you kdavis, and all of the other contestants for the excellent maps you have given the community. Download HCTF Citadel You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
This plays nearly perfectly! I loved the original but didn't get to play it much. Thanks for the great map!
Thank you, davis, for recreating my favorite Halo 3 map. It really is pixel perfect. One thing though, the yellow light looks kinda weird. I don't know if you have the budget, but you might want to consider a green light mixed with a red light. It makes a more Citadel-style yellow.
I've actually found that citadel suits normal slayer (AR magnum) or big team slayer H3 (AR DMR) gameplay the best, as it's combined close quarters combat and long range combat in the center and down the middle make for more interesting gameplay than if you go headshot hoe only (especially the sniper rifle) This map captures this feeling entirely, just by looking at it. Personally citadel wasn't my favorite but this is definitely the best remake of it. This inspires me to go and make a halo 3 remake already. Good work Kdavis73 P.S. I love this map with my AR ownin some noob with a DMR and a Sniper (don't forget the t-bag!)
Despite what kdavis73,the creator of this map, has decided to BELIEVE that I think- -snipped- - I really think this remake of Citadel is TOP-NOTCH! It's accurate beyond what is usually possible in a Forge Recreation attempt; all the transitions from differing elevations are smooth, the jumps are all possible (It's nice to be able to jump from your base,onto the Rocket Spawn platform,then directly into the opposing base-it's a little tricky,just like in H3,but totally do-able) and with the color coded objects in Reach's Forge,it makes Citadel come alive in a way that the original just kinda lacked. When I first played Halo 3's Citadel,I was immediately struck by how monotone and ... concrete-colored everything was...it bugged the crap out of me,and even months later,I never got over it...but this remake is juicy and colorful , at least just enough to be pretty to look at and help keep you oriented correctly. And,unlike some of the other finalists for the "Forgotten Treasures II" contest, -snipped- I have found NO PROBLEM with frame rate drop on this map! ...plays all smooth and silky like! So,AGAIN , to kdavis73, I say: - Congrats on this map and on winning the contest. You deserved it!- -snipped So, DOWNLOAD THIS MAP - IT'S GOOD ! ! !
I'm glad you came to your senses. And Thank You Everyone For Playing And All The Great Comments.If anyone is interested in playing on some of these awesome remakes I have got quite a bit of them so PM me.