Going underwater in ForgeWorld?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SasoChicken, Dec 13, 2010.

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  1. SasoChicken

    SasoChicken Forerunner

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    Hi, I'm new, and I don't usually tend to require a lot of forging advice. However, when it comes to tricks and glitching, I'm not much up for it.
    Anyway the reason I'm posting is that I played a map a while ago that you could go underwater in ForgeWorld and walk around. At the time, I thought it was really cool and completely forgot about saving it. Now I have a cool infection map I thought up for such a trick, but I don't know how to get underwater and not die. If anyone can tell me how, I'd be much obliged.
  2. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    The area between the island and coastline has a glitch that you can be fully submerged and survive.
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Alternatively, if you place an object deep/shallow enough, you can be fully submerged by the waves and not die. Different objects have different heights so I can't say the definitive number. Try it out.


    Message me if you have more questions.
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