~Champion~ -An inverse symmetrical re-imagination of Guardian/Lockout- "This structure was only discovered a few years ago, but its discovery has already caused widespread panic. 2-8 players." Hey guys, this is my new map, Champion. It is an inverse symmetrical Guardian/Lockout styled map with two snipers, a rocket, shotgun, and a concussion rifle for power weapons. This is the second part to my first map pack, so originally titled "Map Pack 1". The first was Marauder, the the next two and final two are Stargazer and Defender. Each map in this map pack features a Guardian/Lockout/Cage styled gameplay/looks, but each retain their own originality to them. Enjoy! ~Map Pack 1~ -Champion (download) -Marauder (download) -Defender (WIP) -Stargazer (WIP) ~Download Champion!~ ~Weapon List~ weapon/extra clips/amount on map/spawn timer -DMRs/2/4/30 -Needle Rifles/2/2/30 -Rocket Launcher/1/1/180 -Sniper Rifles/1/2/120 -Concussion rifle/1/1/120 -Shotgun/1/1/120 -Magnums/2/2/30 ~Other~ -Fusion Coils/*/10/120 -Health Packs/*/4/30 ~Screenshots~ [img75]http://i.imgur.com/VBz7L.jpg[/img] Download Champion! ~Feedback is Greatly Appreciated!~
Just downloaded and had a run through in Forge. I couldn't gather much from the screens, but it's actually quite complex, in a good way. I like the use of lower levels within Champion and the Fusion Coils generate this...buzz, that hands a fair slab of paranoia to those aquainted with the results of an exploding Coil. Only issue I saw was near the initial spawns for Red and Blue - in fact, it's visible in the screenshot third from the bottom. It's nothing major, but if you put a pair of 2x2 ramps in both of these areas, it would help map flow considerably. But aside from that, the map runs smoothly and it is one of the most impressive reimaginings of a map I have seen. Can't wait to set up some customs with it!
I purposely left out ramps there to promote jumping. It sounds stupid at first, but I wanted areas that force you to jump up (or over) objects on the map. The two blocks in the top mid can be jumped over but also used as cover. To me, it makes the gameplay that much more interesting. Lockout had a jump up of its own, I think it was a shortcut to Sword Room from the bottom level (not sure). Thanks for the compliment! When I was about halfway done forging, I thought, this is not like Guardian or Lockout. It seems that I have twisted them to the point were neither could be recognized. I think that's good...
I got more the feel for Lockout mostly. Probably because of the towers and bridges connecting them. I really liked this map I guess the jump up is pretty good cover-wise, as well as an interesting gameplay mechanic. Might just be me, but I cram ramps in wherever I can to avoid jumps and create continous movement. But kudos to you, friend - you've made a cracker of a map!
This is a nice re-imagining. This one of the first maps I've seen that actually makes good use of the prefabricated building pieces in a way that doesn't look gimmicky. Especially the ones in pics #10 and 11. Also given the explosive trend of floating maps made of platforms between buildings, this one is interesting and just the right level of intuitive complexity compared to others. Good job antares.
Heh, we both made spiritual successors to Blackout/Guardian, and our two maps are completely different. I love forge. Map looks good, I'ma DL and play around on it a bit. Played around on it a bit now. Seems like a very well done map, just a couple criticisms. First, sniper spawn seems to be in a spot that could control a fair section of the map without having to move at all, as well as control rocket spawn. You can also get to rocket spawn from sniper spawn in about 1 and a half seconds. I'd suggest moving one or the other, since having sniper and rockets that close can be bad. Also, there were a couple blocks you could get on with a jetpack that I"m not sure you wanted people on, such as the 2x2 blocks that are three high on the top level, near top mid. Sprinters and jetpackers can also get on top of the tower, tall's and the surrounding walls fairly easily. Anyways, map looks good, might need some tweaking, but what map doesn't. Good job.
I <3 Forge too, it's awesome! Sniper spawn is supposed to control a fair section of the map, but a grenade toss bounced off of the ceiling will kill the sniper because of the Fusion Coils. It's supposed to make going for the rocket extra dangerous because when you get there you can get sniped. The Rocket Launcher is probably the hardest weapon to get, but every time I've tested this map, no one seems to realize it and everyone stays at the top level. So then I easily grab the Rocket Launcher and go through one of the teleporters to wreak havoc. I think that different teams would play on this map entirely different, so it would be nice to see what everybody does. The other thing about going for rockets is that it leaves the upper level just as unprotected, potentially giving the enemy the Concussion Rifle and allowing them to advance to your tower, where they can them jump down onto you if you are sniping. I might reposition the towers if I think they need to be. Thanks for everybody's feedback on my map, I really appreciate it!
Hello! Yeah this looks pritty cool! I like the shots you have taken around the map, seeing the shot of the map, i didnt imagine it looking like it does. you have some nice rooms going on and well made stairs, I like that they are 2 - 3 tier. The map does seem a little plain in parts, I don't know if this is intended for good frame rate,but I do feel a little more could be added, and maybe some marking so that you know where about you are on the map. All that aside, I do like this map and symmetrical lay out. nice work.
I have bases and the towers color coded and lights by the bases. I might swap the red and blue lights by the bases for purple and yellow lights and put them at each tower respectively to help for orientation, because which base is which is more obvious than the towers I believe. Thanks for replying! I'm having some Xbox trouble, all of my maps seem to be on my other hard drive :S I'll have to transfer the files before I can get a new version out. EDIT: Oh, I can download it from my own file share haha