Now, the problem I've seen members mention is the lack of testing their maps receive. While I have no idea what's going on in the tester's guild, and would rather not attack them from a position of ignorance, times call for some proactive measures. Alright, as I enjoy Halo this time around, I'm going to start a new process similar to the one I had in Halo 3 for TGIF. Every other week, starting this week, I will hold a testing session on Friday nights starting at 6 PM PST. gamertag: SargeantSarcasm start time: 6 PM, PST. (9 PM, EST) end time: whenever every map has been tested. requirements: MUST have a microphone MUST adhere moral and societal etiquette MUST show up (on time) if you sign up. MUST only use the standard, on-disc map palettes for their map. (NO DLC, unless someone wants to buy me the map pack of course ) MUST stay until every map has been tested (up to a maximum of 8) for at least one game. Long, custom round-length games need not apply. Tentative until this system takes off. The map MUST be playable for 8 players. Big Team Battle or Invasion games need not apply. Also tentative. The map MUST be your own creation. No testing for others. Co-forgers may sign up together, however, in accordance with the next point, those with maps will take priority. In the end I would like there to be at least 8 maps played per test session. The map MUST be in your fileshare. Participants are NOT required to bring a map for testing. However, those with maps to test will take priority when I determine the final testing group. Once every map has been played once. Based on general consensus, we will either: Test more maps. Cycle back through the maps for testing. Sign-up order again. End the session. I would like to make each session last more than an hour, as proper testing would require more than one game. However, I cannot (in good conscience) commit others to such a length of time. That said, if time and party permit, the test session could last longer. The difference between this and the Tester's Guild is that I will NOT write up a detailed analysis about what needs work on your map. By participating in your own map's testing process, you'll be able to see what needs work better than someone else's interpretation of the problem. Post-game, let me know what could use improvement. For example, should this get popular enough it could become an official event in between TGIFs, in which case different hosts would test different genres. Sign-up Template gamertag: map name: map type: map link: (to fileshare) gamertag: SargeantSarcasm map name: Tritium map type: Infection map link: I linked CHUCK's file here because I don't want people downloading Tritium yet Final List (by gamertag) Me. Royal Kiba Spitfire57 BuoyantPigeon Rook Dart3Rocks rifte gifle darnell1992
gamertag:Royal Kiba map name: Wayward map type: Small Custom map : Halo Reach : File Details
gamertag: spitfire57 map name: hollywood haulcost map type: remake of dukenukem first level. played with custom gametype map link: : Halo Reach : File Details custom gametype link: : Halo Reach : File Details
gamertag: Juanez Sanchez map name: CCSSilent Barbarian map type: Invasion, 8-12 players MAX map link: : Halo Reach : File Details custom gametype link: : Halo Reach : File Details Would love to get this second version of my Covenant cruiser tested, hopefully the gameplay will match the aesthetics this time.
I can scrounge a few people up to round out a testing session, but not enough for BTB/invasion which is why it's off limits. Even though yours is 8-man playable, invasion games tend to take forever, so unless it's a quick game you're going to have to choose a different map.
Er, I don't have any other maps. Took me 3 months nearly to make that one, oh well, if your testing sessions take off it might become an option...
gamertag: BuoyantPigeon map name: Hostile Takeover map type: 1 Flag CTF map link: : Halo Reach : File Details
count me in, my map archangel is posted in the competitive section, will help test more that eight if your time does not clash with work, thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: lol, did not see your time at the top, i'm GMT so let me know the difference and I will try to join in, this is a great idea and I would like to be a part of it!!!
gamertag: Reigning Chaos map name: Acai map type: Koth/headhunter/slayer map link: Acai I hope this picks up, I really like the idea. I honestly hate trying to set up customs with friends, just because I only have about 2 friends that still play reach instead of black ops.
The first one is the one I REALLY want tested the others I want tested just for the heck of it gamertag: Dart3rocks 1) map name: Rookix (no relation to the member Rook) map type: Team Slayer/Slayer map link: : Halo Reach : File Details 2) map name: Triforce map type: Team Slayer/Slayer map link: : Halo Reach : File Details 3) map name: Ignition map type: Teamslayer/Slayer map link: : Halo Reach : File Details Slayer Preferences: 1 game of Team Slayer 1 game of Slayer Bottomless/Infinite Ammo Starting Weapons: Assault Rifle; DMR Grenades x2 All Load-outs available
gamertag: Darnell1992 map name: GroundZero map type: Team base vs base map link: : Halo Reach : File Details If possible there is a gametype i would like to test with this Gametype: : Halo Reach : File Details
Final list is updated in the OP. Those who signed up got in. Xorse I put all the relevant information and guidelines in the thread, asking me to do more when this is entirely a favor for the community is a bit much so you're an alternate now. See you all at 6 PM PST guys.
lol i cant stop watching Michael J Fox. excellent lol do we have a start time? or will a message be awaiting us in our inbox?
/facepalm 1) It's Nathan Fillion. 2) I'm sending invites at 6 PM PST, on Friday the 17th of December.
For the next round. gamertag: Kittenpaste Co map name: Civility map type: HEAVILY Casual/anti-MLG. Team-based objective. Supports FFA and all other gametypes (except Race and Invasion). Made for 10 players or more but if it can work well within the limits of 8 players, all the better. map link: : Halo Reach : File Details gametype: : Halo Reach : File Details Specific classes for the map must be balance tested. Will be testing FFA slayer, since this map has only been tested in team types so far. This file is subject to a small change before testing starts. Edit: If at all possible, I'd like to test my Tempest project as well.