An aesthetically pleasing map located in Forgeworld. This is the first competitive map I have built. Please leave comments and give advice for v2. reach_11104062_Full by dwtstrikeout7, on Flickr reach_11104066_Full by dwtstrikeout7, on Flickr reach_11104067_Full by dwtstrikeout7, on Flickr reach_11104076_Full by dwtstrikeout7, on Flickr reach_11104088_Full by dwtstrikeout7, on Flickr reach_11104085_Full by dwtstrikeout7, on Flickr reach_11104087_Full by dwtstrikeout7, on Flickr reach_11104109_Full by dwtstrikeout7, on Flickr reach_11104106_Full by dwtstrikeout7, on Flickr reach_11104110_Full by dwtstrikeout7, on Flickr
It looked lke the needler and focus rifle were on fixed. I would change that because if you die the would be floating over your body.
Yeah its not recommended to have weapons set to fixed or phased. Also, it looks like all the spawn points on the map are initial spawn points. It is best to just have the initial spawn points located where you want each team to start. Then change the rest of the initial spawns to respawn points.
Yeah, I noticed that the weapons float when you die with them when they are in fixed position. Is there a way to mount them easily on the wall without putting them in fixe position. The reason for having the spawn points with the starting points is because the map is primarily for slayer, not team slayer.
You can find a good way to get this floating effect here (Proposed by Gunnergrunt). Kittenpaste also has another method here. Either one should work nicely in your map since the places you want them seem to have enough space for the hidden plasma barrier. Hope this helps. Looks like a nice map though. i especially like your use of the long walkway cover in your third screenshot.
Thanks I'll check them both out and see which one seems more viable. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for pointing that out [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey guys, I don't really see it being possible to make weapon holders for the fixed objects in this map. Not only are a lot of the weapons fixed, but all of the armor abilities as well. I don't think that the floating weapons really make that much of an obstruction on this map anyways...