First off i want to say that i can get some more action shots tomorrow for you guys, none of my friends were on so, and its getting really late so i decided to put my newes tmap up to see how it compares. thanks guys ____________________________________________ DOWNLOAD:DeathPit GAMETYPE: This map is to be used with mainly slayer, Team/FFA, they all work the same. MAP DETAILS: This map is two stories high and contains a deadly pit in the octagon shaped middle, The two teams start on opposite sides on different floors. Around the outside of the map are tunnels and some shotgun hallways, these both contain a mauler at the end. A sniper is located right before you hit the death pit, and inside of the pit near the outside is an overshield, but beware, one gerade could send you through the teleporters, where your brand new overshield is nothing. Pics: Picture descriptions are ABOVE the pictures to clarify Here we can see a somewhat overview of the top floor/main floor the pit is in the middle along with the sniper and the overshield, on the far wall you can see the elevator which transports people between floors Here we see a closer view of the Deadly Pit The elevators i mentioned in the first picture can be seen here Bottom view of them Here is a closer look at the tunnels around the outside ring And this picture is a bit hard to see, but we are looking at the shotgun tunnel which is located on the outskirts of the pit, but still inside the tunnels And last, A picture of me, the person who was winning in every picture *sorry about that* Special thanks to DODfrontlines11 for helping out greatly with the map.
All I can say about this map is that I love your pit. It looks great, excellent interlocking, but please, just change your title to only your map's name, none of this pics tommorrow stuff. Other than that, I can tell you have shown increased skill and have gotten better at forge, this map shows a great increase in quality from your last. Kepp it up.
Yeah, I can see how you missed that, it isn't a big obvious rule but a rule nonetheless, but good job with the description and all, I think your pics are pretty solid even without action. I just wish they all didn't have the end of game thing, that looks kinda bad.
Makes it harder for someone to steal this map, and post it with the same screens. Their name is on them. Genius.
I like it, looks very well made. But, although I really like this pit, I dont like the dumpster, it doesn't look good, I'd suggest a pallet or a door instead, dumpsters are ugly. Other than that, nice job. And yeah, get all of your pics together before you even think about posting your map
I agree with linubidix about the dumpster. I think it was placed there so players could get out of the pit easily. A floating pallet or a crate pushed into the wall would look cool...Great job on the map! I like it!
Ok, thanks guys, but i think i'm gonna scrap this map and start out new, its gonna have teh same concept, but ill get better interlocking and a second floor thats actuelly worthy
Thanks again but i do have the new version coming out soon i completely redid the whole map and the pit is now on the bottom ,but its not a deadly pit :O the new map shall be for 2v2 KoTH, and thats all i have to say for now peace out
i agree with brute captain. Good asthetics but the screenshots could be a little better. a map overveiw maybe? everything else looks awesome.
looks really good, my suggestion is to make the overshield floating above the death pit, not equal to it, and delete the dumpster. Jump to get the overshield kinda thing.
First of all, why is the map a Beta. It doesnt make any sense. And the pit is pretty well made. Which brings me to thinking why is The Pit called The Pit. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. And I also like the idea of risking your life for the overshield. An overjump could send you straight to spartan heaven (or hell). The map is pretty well interlocked too. Good job. 4/5
Beta is the name of the second letter of the Grecian alphabet. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc. It's perfectly legitimate.