Wahaahah I placed down the two pallets in the 7th screenshot with the fence merged into the ground =D I rule like that =] The map has changed a fair bit since I saw it last though =D Looks cool as~!
its the same as ghost town just with a few added things , im not calling your map imtrying to say ghost town is bad for forge
Dude, Ghost Town is not bad ffor forge and I have added more than "a few things", please don't speak out of ignorance if you haven't even played itn yet. Ghost Town is great for forge, if you think that Foundry is the only good forge map you don't know what you are talking about. Lightsout225 made a great conquest mpa on Ghost Town, it isn't bad for forge and I didn't just add a few things. Try this map then come back and say something else.
I think what he meant was that it seems lazy to walk across the plank, opposed to using the energy to press the a button to jump across the gap. Also this map looks really good and can't wait to see how it plays.
Yeah but my point is that there is a much more useful spot to snipe or shoot when standing than jumping, it just opens up that little platform to a more meaningful purpose.
amen, if you really think ghost town is not a good forge map, you are highly mistaken, as a matter of fact, i really wish i could see more people forging here...
wow great job the way you made it looks like it could be as if it came the way it was released good job!
Ok, before anyone asks again, those rooftop pieces are indeed called barriers. Thos concrete things that I used a few times are called barrier, short. Similar names but two entirely different objects...
Looks interesting, i think this is the first forged map i've seen on Ghost town. Props for trying something new.
Ghost town is just such an amazing map that there's very little one can do to enhance gameplay. You however, Mr. Brute have done a superb job of highlighting the map's strong points. Congrats!
Yup, it's really wierd how Bungie adds an enormous barrier and an incredibly tiny barrier, that look nothing alike, and have the same name... This is my favorite map of yours, it takes some really good ideas to make a map NOT out of Foundry or the Avalanche Hole.
The merging and interlocking is phnomoinal, the way you put them in how the in the map to improove it. Good job
This looks really good dude. I've only played Ghost Town in Matchmaking and got bored pretty fast but this looks like it has added way more depth. I'm gonna try this out for sure.
wow looks really great.. although there are a couple parts where the forging looks a little rough. but it gave me a great idea for my personal remake! i will mention you cause i dont wanna be copying the overhang idea.. but its cool lol. good job