
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by zocho, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Hello all, and welcome to Signet this map was designed for the Forgetaculare Contest, and thought I would post it onto my beloved ForgeHub also. First off, I want to give you a little fluff, because we all love stories!


    This map has a great storyline, I would beg of you to read it!!!

    This facility, once used for the UNSC's secret prototypes, has been abandoned, its vaults cleaned of their creations, in hope of keeping the filthy Covenant hands off. Their most recent prototype code named "Signet" A 5th generation A.I. has been left to notify of any signs foreboding the Covenants presence on Reach. The A.I. had carefully been wiped off all of the UNSC's most important information. left with her raw processor, and a mind to think on her own. Over time this A.I. has converted and restored the deserted facility to its original state. The UNSC took their prized prototypes, but without the equipment to carry the resources stored at the facility, they were left behind to gather dust. However "Signet" used these to her advantage, using many of the tools left behind, "Signet" started working on her own project. She named this forgoing project "SAGE Steel" Many years passed and "Signet never saw signs of the Covenant, nor of the UNSC. Her Project was Complete, She had come up with a secondary group of super soldiers, fully robotic, fully mobile. She Called them "TROJANS" Though lacking the abilities of the "SPARTANS", they made up for it in their attachments and equipment......

    ///[July, 23, 2560]/[Present day///Current Time--0800]/[Entry by Spartan-III Jun-A266]
    //The war is Finally over, theres so much information...such tragedy...such despair. I can't go into that now. I have been assigned to on a recon mission involving an abandoned facility, the name is long lost to the UNSC files, but information shows that an A.I prototype named "Signet" still rests there, the last time the UNSC have seen this place was the year 2525 when the first sighting of the Covenant appeared. We are approaching the facility now, will add to entry later///[End transmission]///

    ///[Entry Re-opened]//[July, 23, 2560]/[Present day///Current Time--0900]/[Entry by Spartan-III Jun-A266]// Entering the Facility now, it seems to be in working order...*static*...*shots*.................Fall back to the Pelican Marines, Ill hold them off....*screams*....*shots*....What...What are these things, they look like us....*Scream*///[Voice Identification System]/[Sound acknowledged as Spartan-III Jun-A266]...*groans*...///[Voice Recorded]///[Opening]/[Playing]///...*Static*..."This is A.I "Signet" Speaking, Confirming my completion of project "SAGE Steel" Trjoans equipped and ready for battle, watch your Back UNSC...........*whisper* watch your back....///[Voice Recorded]///Closing File]///[End Transmission]///..................................*Static*....................................................

    Nit and Grit

    SIGNET is a team map, designed for the 4v4 game-types listed below, however, it does work with up to 16 people, and works well with 2v2
    Recommended players is 4v4 and 2v2
    Recommended game-type is Slayer (Best of all) however works with below game-types to!




    Map Screenshots!


    Action Shots!



    #1 zocho, Dec 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2011
  2. crapoess

    crapoess Forerunner

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    WOW!!!... Thats all I have to say, WOW!!!. This map may not be the flashiest map around, but thats perfectly fine, because you obviously made it to have the least amount of lag possible, the benches are a very nice touch, very simple but very suiting, dont forget the little stands next to them. its little aesthetics that make a map good, but to many and the map is to busy and gets lagy, youve done a great job at weapon placement in my opinion, and theres plenty of movable space, while keeping lots of cover.

    Your Pictures dont do your map justice at all, im looking around it in forge as im typing this comment up, the map is much better than the pictures show

    for aesthetics i give you (8-10) because there arnt many, but i still understand why so mabye (8.5)
    for weapon placement i give you (9-10) classic Rocket sniper sword, playing it safe i see cant go wrong there
    Game play...cant give an honest vote on this, but it looks like id play nicely so id give it a (8.5/9-10)
    Overall id give it a (9-10) I hope bungie seriously thinks about your map i love it! you have my download
  3. bracdet

    bracdet Forerunner

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    looks amazing dude, i have to say very impressive. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the tunnel underneath, i doubt there is much fighting down there in slayer, but im sure you must have put an objective down thier for koth and oddball etc... not to many aesthetics, but the ones that are blend in with the map very well, i was going to ask why dont you put the sniper in that little tower tall (looks like one im not sure), i dont know if theres anything in there now, but it anyways looks grat dude i give it a (9-10) simplicity at its finest
  4. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Thanks so much guys!!!, keep the comments coming and bracdet and crapoess you are right i tried to keep the aesthetics to a minimum to prevent lag while including a few just to spice it up a bit, the bases are a tad boring, but they aren't used much in slayer, except for spawning, and thats what this map works best with, it works with all the other team ones but team slayer is the top...anyways keep the comments coming guys im loving the responses so far
  5. Teslacc

    Teslacc Forerunner

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    alright, so i surf forgehub occasionally for fun to find good maps to play on, but i never made an account, so i never commented on any maps...i usually dont start on the first page, i click on like page 51 and work back or W/e, and i came across this map....AMAZING i love it, i downloaded it and im trying to get a few players together to play it with me. simply put though, this map was good enough for me to make an account on forgehub at last THANK...and your welcome to have that honor
  6. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    wow man you put a hell of alot of work into the presentation of this map all the pics and everything look great. the map looks good to, from what i can tell from the pics... you must of cared alot about making this map. I am going to give it a DL keep up the work man!
    #6 shi11tenshi, May 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2011
  7. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    thanks, yea this map took alot of work, i really enjoyed making it, and i just love the feedback ive gotten, it all started in study hall with graph paper, then a whole list of names, then about 10 diffrent weapon layouts, i just enjoyed building it so much, and ty for noticing the time i put into the presentation, i write short stories on my spare time, so it is even more fun to give it a background story, anyways im currently working on reworking the bases area, and possibly adjusting the underground hallway (water rock crass area) so people spend more time down there besides going for the sword and for KOTH/ terretories / odball etc... so version 2 will be out..whenever i get round to it
  8. tEn Of SpAdE5

    tEn Of SpAdE5 Forerunner

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    How do you get ideas?
    I've made three maps and none of them have caught on like signet any tips??

    Also how do you decide on what features to add and what software did you use to make the cool signet poster thing??
    #8 tEn Of SpAdE5, Jun 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2011
  9. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    The idea started on graph paper, all neat, just the outline of the map, originally it was going to be much bigger, but turns out i prefer 4v4 slayer and objectives, so it happened, you just had to do the general outline of the map before you start worrying about anything else, BARE BONES first, then you add the skin (weapons and spawns) muscle (objectives to make the map work) and last the makeup (aesthetics to make the map standout) then you stop look at it and adjust weapons and spawns around the aesthetics.
    the poster was really easy, i used Paint shop pro 9 i didnt use a site or anything, the idea was just from those funny picutres with the frame and comment below, if you want give me a screenshot and ill turn it into a cool looking poster ;) keep the comments coming guys
  10. tEn Of SpAdE5

    tEn Of SpAdE5 Forerunner

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    thanks that would be great [​IMG]

    Also how do you get it so it is on your every post?
  11. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is exactly how I create maps too. Except during physics. When I get bored. which is ALL THE TIME!

    I dont give maps stories, but I do write stories as well! Very neat to see we approach things in Forge similarly AND write stories! Except mine are typically over 100 pages, the one I am working on now with a friend might be 250-400. should be fun.

    Sorry I quoted you 3 times, its just easier to break it up and absorb knowledge piece by piece. I remember when we played Signet, its a decent map I think. I do remember the rocky area was tripping us up a bit, so smooth it out, and as for just my personal opinion, Im not fond of how you used the landing pad I think it was as cover. It just looked out of place. I would recommend if you want to remake this to start from scratch, and use your current forging skills to make this even better. Just my thoughts on the matter. Other than that let me know when you're done, I'd like to see how V2 turns out.
    Oh, also I just remembered that I could jump cross the center of the map using sprint from one upper platform to another, so maybe space it out a bit, and the ramps were not very wide (if I remember correctly) so maybe widen them? Just some suggestions from one forger to another!
    #11 Audienceofone, Jun 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2011
  12. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    overall the map as some fairly decent flow with very little camping, with the sole exclusion of the top of the lift. other than that i really felt a little claustrophobic with the tight seemingly spaces and sharp turns. it seemed a tad too cluttered with the map made up almost entirely of cover instead of several rooms. with the exclusion of the roof, it would add more light to the dark map but you would have to expunge some parts and add different forms of cover. all in all, i give this map a 7.5/10.
  13. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    Wow thanks guys lots of comments, im loving it, im hoping to pull version 2 out in a few weeks, so many more comments i love it and audience we do forge alot alike haha we should do a co forge or something, and yea ill try and work to see if opening it up is poossible, but we will see currently working on more ways to get to the top platform, thanks for the comments guys i love them and keep em coming
  14. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Im up for it, and I think we should (if we actually ever coforge) co-op a story about the map as well. Infection is easiest to to this with, although they aren't my forte. We'll talk.

    I'm also interested to see Signet V2, curious about what you do to it.

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