So...I remade the republic commando arena a17 map and updated it by adding a top level and a lower hallway around the map that has a shotgun and sword. Snipers have been replaced with grenade launchers on the bridges with the sniper being placed in the center of the map. Weapons (halo) have been added threw out. This was made as a free for all or team slayer but im sure you can find a way to play CTF or KOTH by adding objectives. Enjoy and I hope you guys like it. Also there will be another republic map in my file share if you would like to download it as well. Peace.
Those kinds of scripts don't work You can use the[/ url] scripts Or [img][/ img]
This is actually pretty accurate, this was my brothers favorite map while min was som one on the wookie world with a bridge between the two bases Im glad someone has enough talent to remake these maps
Thanks, There is also Arena G9 in my file share..tried to add a little spice to the maps as best as possible.. the Arena G9 base map was made by someone else (forgot GT, Sorry) but I changed quiet a bit to update it. That why i didnt feature it here, Arena A17 is all mine. Plan to do more when I have time. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Ok the other arena map i had was lost so sorry for that....enjoy arena a17