My friend Stopex and I are starting to think anything with the tag Mexican and a spartan and brown armor will get onto Most Downloaded, so we decided to make a bet. We each took our own picture of the following and uploaded it to our file share, we want to see who can get to Most Downloaded first. Think this will make top downloads? Another view Spoiler My friend Stopex's version Spoiler
Did YOU make that screenshot?! Yeez, i would never have suspeected that a Forgehubber would make that racist mexican crap. Seriously, that stuff IS funny but just call it cheapass instead of mexican. It's not funny. And same for anime no-lifers.
He's not being racist, he's talking about how people who download stuff on Halo tend to laugh at racist stuff. Also, I thought this thread was going to be about Mexican porn. Needless to say, I am disappointed.
Think of it as a social experiment. I'm not planning on keeping the picture up on my fileshare too long, for I have more important, legitimately humorous or well thought out pictures/films/maps to share. The F-contest is eating up my slots as well.. As for the 'experiment'. Combined each picture got ~10,000 downloads. The same picture. What does that say about people? A picture says a thousand words, and we have two.
It wasn't intended to be racist. But people these days get a kick out of something that could be slightly referred to as racist. He wasn't doing it because he thought it was hilarious, he was doing it to see if he was right about how people download stuff like this a lot. Awesome idea, though. Pretty funny how many downloads you've accumulated already.
Oh ok, to see how dumass the people are. But still there are Mexicans seeing it. But the Mexicans can't do anything. They insult those people in Spanish or in terrible English and their American jokes are very sloppily forged. Someone needs to help them.
I discovered that even after taking it down it's still on most downloaded? How is this possible? It isn't on my fileshare. Apparently it's on other people's? I really don't even.
same here i thought it was going to something sexual with Mexicans xD and it is racist and hes just saying that people think racist jokes are funny......and hes right =D
PIX AR BROKEN and anyway, the mexican stuff is funny, but i can see how it would offend, but srsly, how many mexcians acctually play halo, aren't they all on COD?
Hey guys...check the dates of the posts above you. That's why the pics are gone. I thought this was a new thread at first...please watch the necros.