Welcome to MtnDewX97s 3rd racetrack, eXcell MX This my 1st mx map which features a suprise at the end have fun!! Video here :YouTube - eXcell MX A RaceTrack By MtnDewX97
Could you maybe give more pix or a better description? Nobody's gonna download if they don't know what's in the map.
From the Vid it looks very short , and also some of the little banks are useless as you can just not go up them and have a quicker lap time ( unless you were just going up them for the videos purpose? also the Dishes couls be made to stop people falling at the back of them and then getting stuck for a while (again unless its meant to be like that) the walls and other objects you have put down that are joined look smooth (from the vid that is) and some corners are just too square and probably should be rounded off so that map plays a little more smoothy. For improovments you could add aesthetics , make the track longer and smoother. and possibly make the vid have more than one person in it so we can see how well it suffers with mroe than one. I know this is your third race track and race tracks are quite hard to pull off especially the themed ones , but practice makes perfect so keep making race tracks.
I'm sorry, but i don't think many people like enclosed race maps like these, because if you had 16 people, the guy in the front at the beginning would stay in first, because everyone else would constantly be bumping eachother, maybe you could make a v2 where its a little more open?
I would refer this guy to halotracks.org where a portion of the community are centered around maps just like these. a very large portion.