Here are a few pictures from last nights TGIF 4. Enjoy! MINI GAMES Bee Bashers “Bee Bashed” “Lots of Bees Buzzing around… but not for long” Bull in the Ring “Loadout for the Quarry Arena” “Assassinations never looked so… explosive” Cat N Mouse ‘Do me next!” “I hate those meeces to pieces” Double Rainbow All The Way “Calm before the storm” “Goosin’ Derty” Octagon Headhunter “Skulls” “Assasination and Skulls” Hog The Hill: Horizon “First Splatter” “Cluster****” Indiana Jones “They were so innocent looking” “It’s called a Kill Ball for a reason” VICEBALL “I’m really high” “He’s really high” “ I think he discovered the widowmaker” COMPETITIVE Gastropod “Overview” Invasion: Cruiser on Unbroken Sovereignty “Sniper” Abridged Helix “I heart Falcons” Megalodon “Overview” RACE GLAZED “Fly fatass fly!” “Over/Under” GROUP PHOTO “CHEESE!!!!” “KILLIONAIRE!” Hope You guys enjoyed yourselves i sure did. Till my internet dropped at 1am but hey 7.30 till 1am aint bad
Would love to get in on playing more custom games. Indiana Jones was fun... but extremely glitchy when I played it... Half the people died as soon as the match began, which isn't fun. Cruiser on Unbroken Sovereignty looks freaking fantastic and need to do a Octagon Headhunter with friends.