there are dozens of ways you could make a random box in Halo3, but now not as much things move around to create chain reactions and things like that (curse you, non-destroyable grav lifts!) but I've found a way to make a cheap, easy way to make a random weapon box in Halo Reach! step 1: make a platform and put a bunch of weapons spawning in at different times on top of it. step 2: tilt a mounted turret completely upside-down behind your platform with the weapons on it. Make it as close to the weapons as possible. step 3: you can make a wall or block that covers up the turret, but you should still have the option to "flip" the turret when you go up to the wall. step 4: grab a weapon! press X (I have "recon" controls so its RB) to attempt to flip the turret over. When that happens, you have a window of time to grab a weapon off of your platform. The turret will never flip over, so you will always have the option to flip the turret (overrides the weapon pick-up function indicator). Again, once you "flip" the turret and wait about 1 second, the "flip" option comes up again, so its a button-activated random box! I will use this function once I release my Zombie Map Pack, which will play like **** Zombies, but is a little different. The mappack will include: Ausrotten - Gothic Chapel/House (finished) Vernichten - Electrical Facility (finished but may include a new system which will enable you to "turn on the power") Uberleben - Sports Complex (finished) Hafen des Totes - Shipyard Dock (finished)
This is pretty sweet, and I cant wait to see these maps. However, I have a question about the weapons. Do the weapons just fall and you hold the button and it grabs a random one, or does JUST ONE appear?
Dude! Ya never told me you were still forging... this sounds like a real smexy system. A few questions: How does it look? Maybe you could post us a pic? Does it lag? How long does it take to grab a weapon? Does this system have a 100% success rate? Sorry to ask so many questions. Maybe you could show me when you get back online...
framerate and lag isnt an issue here folks. all you do is have a bunch of weapons in a pile with an upside down turret behind the pile, and there you go. You can cover the ugly pile of weapons up with an upsidedown incline 1x2 shallow if you please