Forge Issues

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by zRifle Eyes, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. zRifle Eyes

    zRifle Eyes Forerunner

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    Basically I am having some issues with Forge atm and it's starting to get very tedious. Basically I am using the "Colosseum Walls" as floors and everytime I save my map, quit then come back in the floors will have slightly moved and I have to re-align them. I haven't had this issue before but it has suddenly started. I lay my floors down with rotation snap (set to 90 degrees or 45) on to make sure they are perfectly aligned. I will build for a few hours and they will still be fine but when I come back after leaving I have to redo it all.

    If anyone can enlighten me as to why this happens or any method of stopping it it would increase my Forge love by 1000%.

  2. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    This should go in the forge discussion. You are new though.

    Anyway This is because the coordinate system that determines where objects go isn't exact. It is off by HUNDRETHS of coordinates. It is exact to the tenths. Thus large objects may move because...well they're big and it has to render each polygon and get the coordinates of those and put those together....Yeah a more precise system I'm guessing would've been expensive.
  3. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    If you actually put in some effort into searching, you would figure out the correct forum for such a thread and that you are not the first to ask about his. Read this for more information.
    #3 Angel of Grief, Dec 9, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2010
  4. Aod43254

    Aod43254 Forerunner

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  5. zRifle Eyes

    zRifle Eyes Forerunner

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    Hey thanks for the responses. I thought I had posted it in the Forge discussion but due to being up at 2 am (GMT) I must of pressed the wrong button. Thanks again

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