Rising Sun Is a medium-size, symmetric slayer map. It is still constantly being updated. The original weapon layout has remained largely the same, but the geometry has been changed numerous times. Pictures: Let me know what you think, but remember, it's a work in progress.
So this is the product of me seeing you on my friends list in forge 90% of the day working on. Looks sweet. Hard to tell from the picture but how many levels is it?
This was a fun one to play on. The map layout is nice, and easy to understand. The lifts work perfectly. And the aesthetics aren't lacking (the floating balls are pretty sweet too.)
It has three levels. The top, being the most open of them all. The bottom floor holds the sniper while the rockets rest on the very tippy top of the map. I'm hoping to get some tests on it today so if anyone is interested, send me a FR. And this map has no trees or boobs. Sorry. But if I can get Steve to test it there should be enough man cleavage to go around.
Looks cool, a bit open, but I have been accused of making very closed in and campy maps before so maybe I'm not the best judge! Won't you be able to get it tested on tonights TGIF?
The name (Rising sun- 日本) instantly got my attention... I love the circle you did instead of the killball... But needs more JAPANESE!!! Sad we do not have a "reflection skin" for Forge... if we had, I would use it to my preview map (wanna check it out?) It looks good btw, how does it play? aren't you hosting any customs soon, so I can test it and give you some feedback...
I probably won't host any customs, but I am going to try to get a game or two on it tonight. Also, the top is meant to be open because that is where rockets spawn and enclosing it would be foolish. I have done a lot of work on it since posting these pictures in which the map as a whole has gained substantial cover.
Lololol @ sig. If you happen to be playing this one tonight, holla. I remember checking this one out like (last weekend?) when it was a wee little baby. Definitely got your **** together man, looks great.
The layout looks interesting and the ball deal in the middle is cool. Though some of the paths around the ball area look a little shifty like in third picture. The geometry of the paths is good, but the objects used to make them look less than sightly.
Played this earlier today. Gotta say, it was a really fun map. Not too overpowering(though I never was sure where the rockets were), and at the same time, relatively easy to pass through(I did have some problems until I noticed the man cannons in the corners), and it really was fun. It makes for a mean crazy game of Crazy King.
The man cleavage was present on this map last night anddddd; NEEDZ MOAR RAILINGZ... Srsly.. I saw like 8 people deck it last night in the TGIF :O But, I suppose it's bad player judgement I guess... Also, I reckon the lower level should be reachable by drop down from the top, so extend it out a weeeee bit so players can land on it safely. Good map though NlBBLES you little ho <3
You may want to take another look seeing as the entire map is completely railed off. Except the spots where you can drop down to another location. On a happy note, I'm almost out of supplies and budget.