Make your Maps Perfectly Flat

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TyTheBomb, Dec 9, 2010.

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  1. TyTheBomb

    TyTheBomb Forerunner

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    Okay, when I first started forging on Reach, it drove me nuts trying to get each piece perfetly flat. Like it would take 3-4 hours just to smooth everything out, and map-making quickly became more aggrevating than fun, so I'd quit. In fact, I still find huge maps made completely smooth without my way, and I bet it took them over a day to do it. So, if you're ready to spend less time smoothing and more time forging, read on.
    One day, while hopelessly fumbling around in Forge, I stumbled upon the EDIT COORDINATES button. It gives you the ability to find every objects exact coordinates and place them there. It can be found by pressing B whiling holding an object. This works best with bridges, walls, building blocks, and most decorative objects. In the edit coodinates, you can also pick the exact rotations (although we already have Rotation Snap). There are a couple of conditions:

    1: When you rotate an object, it may not be able to perfectly aligned with a flat surface. This is usually only between 30-5 degree turns though.

    2: It all depends on where the center of the object is. A 3-storey building cannot be placed perfectly flat because it's center is at a different height than say a bridge or wall. You will have level it the old way unfortunately.

    So that's about it.
    The Edit Coordinates button in the B (rotation snap) menu.
    If you need any further help with this, just write your comment below.
    I've used this secret in many of my maps and it's literally cut my map-making time in half, so enjoy!!!!!!
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Lol this isnt anything new
  3. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Not to sound rude or anything...but like 98% of Forgehub knew about this feature before Reach came out and have been using it since Reach came out.

    And I'm going to lock this because this thread will be full of posts like the one above mine.
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