HFR Mayan Retreat

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by UltimateSlayer5, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. UltimateSlayer5

    UltimateSlayer5 Ancient
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    Ok im back again with one of my newest maps HFR Mayan Retreat. Built on the map of Tempest it takes upmostly all of the map. Featuring multiple turns waves and even a Bench. I started working on this map the day it came out, trying to keep it a secret but finally releasing it.








    Thanks for checking it out i will make a video and on it later. Please Comment

    Here is the video enjoy

    YouTube - Halo Reach Map Series Ep.13: HFR Mayan Retreat
    #1 UltimateSlayer5, Dec 9, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2010
  2. TXTCLA55

    TXTCLA55 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    WOOT! first (I think) Race map on the DLC, Congrats. Look amazing but a little too long for me (I like the short type race maps) *downloaded anyways* keep up the good work!.
  3. UltimateSlayer5

    UltimateSlayer5 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks alot, well i hang out with coookkiemonster and some other pro race map makers and they always say the map is good when its atleast a minute long. This is i think just a guess 1:20 or something. I will be making a video soon if you would like to make a video with me send me a message on xbox live GT- HFR Founder

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