hey guys this is another render i did in one of my classes.... the project was to ask your self the question "who am i?" i decided since 75% of my life is dedicated to video games, it seems =) that i do a project around video games...well the idea for it is simple, gaming is in my roots (and apparently it grows little gamer trees as well!) i tried to implement the four main xbox button colors, but the red was to strong.... but just looking for some feedback. i went back and forth between taking the swirl lines out....same for the background burst, i felt it need something to draw your focus, but i didnt want it to be too distracting/eye catching. but here its is. thanks guys for the look! with swirls! without swirls! ahhhhhhhhh.........decisions!
doesnt it! that was the other thing that bothered me but the people sitting around my comp said they liked it that way. i had it two different ways before, i used the rocks as a texture and placed on to the faded side an faded it the other way. second i cut it off and jagged it upwards then added a shrub in front to help blend....they didnt like that either! so out of frustration i just feathered the stick, they like it! =) so i went with that. thatnks for the feed son
it's pretty nice dude, should have done deadmau5. i was just thinking, this could work pretty well as a whole vector, rather than half a vector half normal..if you played your cards right. the text doesnt suit it in my opinion, try mix and match other things. tip: use yellow colour for the GAME ON bit since youve got yellow 'light' coming from the background. try keep a colour scheme in tact. http://kuler.adobe.com use that and go to different schemes and see which ones suit your work. so basically, don't use blues or yellows (i'm thinking more greens), stick to the colours in that to match the 'roots' you've put in there. the birds and the cirlces at the bottom of hte roots are a nice touch, btw. overall, good job, hope i helped.
@stoj - lol that you sent me that link cause a few threads down i sent some one this link Color Scheme Designer 3 as far as using the blue for font, i was trying to use the button colors to draw your eye down. but yes blue is pretty dominate there (so was red) so i just sized down and adjusted the kerning a little more!
It's in our roots. It looks like you're missing the "i" from in. Besides the fading that's already been mentioned, I quite like the looks of this.
lol holy hell nibs.....i didnt even see that,+1 for you my friend. i keep saying "its in our roots" i guess i just imagined the "i" being there! -quick fix- (but not on this thread) side note* you mean people dont talk like that? "mayber im done der from dat der south son!"
you gotta picture the controller as a 3d object, this would be AWESOME if it looked like the controller was actually one with the ground instead of just one handle of it just smudged into the ground below it. the controller is just flattening the overall pop of the really appealing graphics.