Izidora Iren

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by yomilo, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    Map Name: Izidora Iren
    Description on fileshare: Covenant found an antique forerunner spaceship with a working power core. Retrieve it and bring it to the UNSC.

    Map Design:
    This map features a 3 tiered Invasion where Elites defend and Spartans Attack.
    This map can be played with the default "Invasion", by just editing the attackers (spartan) and the defenders(Elites).

    Making this Map, tactical cover and multiple access points to the objectives was the main focus. There are multiple routes for the attackers to reach their objectives, making the attack not as straight forward and requiring some team tactics to win. Aesthetics was not my priority, however, they were not left unattended.
    Remember, Gameplay > Aesthetics.

    This map does not suffer SPAWN KILLS!!

    Phase one consist in a capture the territories. Territory Alpha and Bravo are located side to side, on in a little mountain and the other one at ground level. There are several ways to access the territories: There are two mancannons in two different mountains that leave you close to Alpha, but in different positions; also, you can go up the hill the normal pathway to reach Alpha or you can go all the way behind the map and climb from there. Bravo on the other had, has less access points, but it is easier to capture. Since it is at ground level, and it is surrounded by rocks cover. You can access Bravo by jumping from the Alfa Mountain, going in a straightforward way from the spartan bases, or from the left side, omitting the Mancannon that leads you to Alpha. Since you are in lower ground you are an easy target for grenades, but since there is a lot of cover, you can always sacrifice one or two seconds to survive and secure the territory.
    Capture points were done small on purpose, because of the amount of cover the Antena provides.
    Phase one bases for the Spartans were made on purpose, in order to avoid "we invade the attacker zones and kill you". There are three bases (for the three different squads) with two floor each one, therefore, if the elites are two invade the spartan respawn area, there are 6 directions from where enemies may come.

    In Phase two you have to capture two different territories. Since you seized the first two energy sources in the first phase, the first two killballs automatically disappear, the Grid that was covering the rest of the map disappears too. Phase two features a wall that serves as covenant base; the wall features one tower used kill spartans from long distance, and on phase 3 to be used by spartans to attack the elites base.

    Alpha is located to the left side of the wall, going straight a few steps, surrounded by rocks. There is a rock wall in the middle of Alpha and Bravo to make the bravo defenders move to defend alpha. Alpha can be accessed by going through a rock cave that leads to an arch rock where you can climb the wall and jump to alpha. Alternatively you can enter through a "wall gate", or make your way through the middle rocks. It is highly recommended that a spartan takes control of the tower to provide cover.
    Also, the wall features cover to all the Spartans who are attacking, but are not ready to go in yet; This is also to promote closer spawning if a teammate is nearby.

    To access Bravo you can get through the middle rocks and take the gravity lift to make a jump to the Bravo antena. Alternatively you can take cover with the wall and take one of the two gates on the left side of the structure. Moreover, if you decided to go to the left side of the structure through open ground, there are rock at sprint distance to take cover and achieve your goal. As a final remark, there is a small passage all the way to the left of the structure that leads to a gravity lift to go to Bravo. Bravo is far away and it is more likely the elites do not defend it, however, usually spartans also tend to attack alpha only. By combining a Alpha-Bravo riots, you will achieve a successful seizure of the territories.

    Round two also features a Warthog and a Moongoose, spawning on the staring spartan bases.

    Third phase features a two floored base, with a banshee on the top. To counter attack this, spartans get a Falcon in their base. The base is open to the sides, therefore, if the banshee is destroyed, it can be easily stormed by the falcon turrets. However, one good plasma shot and the falcon will fall down to a kill-zone and explode.
    Since the elites base is a closed area, to counter the "Sword capmping", explosives with quick respawn times are located in the most common camping area. One granade where you think a camper is, and he will not survive. Moreover, there are different ways to access the Core. You can access the core floor by taking a gravity lift on the back of the base. Jetpacking through the front, taking one of the teleporters of the sides (that live you on the rear sides of the base) or taking one teleporter on the rear back, that takes you to the front of the core. That way elites never know where you are gonna attack them from.

    The core must be taken outside of the base to a platform passing the Wall. It is approximately a 35 second walk... sorry, if you did not take the core out at least 5 seconds before running out of time, sudden death will break your heart.

    Weapons on Map:

    Needle Rifle x 2 (1 spare clip each) -phase 1
    Sniper x 1 (1 spare clip) - phase 2
    Plasma pistol x 1 - phase 3
    Rocket launcher x 2 (1 spare clip each) - phase 3

    Vehicles on Map:
    Mongoose x 1 (phase 2)
    Default Warthog (phase 2)
    Falcon (phase 3)
    Banshe (phase 3)


    Most of the map, overview

    Two first territories (or power suppliers) to be captured

    The Covenant wall

    Overview of the wall, showing the left cave, the tower, and the middle rocks. phase two completed (no killballs)

    Assault on phase to Alpha

    First floor of the Covenant base




    Comments and suggestions appreciated. Also complains, but preferably have a reason and a possible solution.
    #1 yomilo, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2010
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    too be honest, no offense, there have been better looking maps than this. but this seems like a much more competitive,fair map than most other custom invasions. I dont really see any problems right now sooo good job. very basic map
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I said this in another thread and I will say it here as well: ditch the kill ball/antenna things if you want your map to stand out more. It's just been done too much. When I see them in a thumbnail now I usually don't even click on the map thread, and I realize that's unfair to some maps that are probably pretty good. So my advice would be to remove them and build something more interesting in their place.

    My other comment would be that it's hard from your screenshots and brief description to get a sense of what sets this invasion map apart, or what the stages of the invasion are.
  4. yomilo

    yomilo Forerunner

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    Oh, ok, thanks for the Advice.
    My Anthena/killballs combo is decorative, and the are the power suppliers to the spaceship. Every phase two Killballs disappear because you take control of them, since you are stealing the forerunner technology.

    Anyways, thanks for the advice, I will edit the thread to give a better description of the map also.

    When you checkit out tell me how do you like it though ;)

    Edited by merge:

    I know my map is not very good Looking aesthetically, but the main focus of the map was a very tactical invasion map.
    Unlike most of the invasion maps out there that are just "Random killing in big open spaces with a LOT of vehicles spawning on alarming rates"


    It does not suffer framerate problems or Z-Fighting either :)
    #4 yomilo, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  5. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't play a lot of invasion games, but I like the idea of having the killballs shut down as you progress through the game as a visual indicator of the progress.
  6. Flywheel1

    Flywheel1 Forerunner

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    I played this map a few times when we were putting together Forgetacular videos, and I offer it very high praise.

    While it's true the antenna-killball thing is overdone, aesthetics like that are cheap. Replace them with golf balls on top of double rooms and call it version 2 if you want to use less common pieces, but it's a wash. The author of this map paid attention to important things like how long it takes to run from A to B, how close are spawns to objectives and weapons, etc. Plus, there is no ugly forgeometry - it's well constructed.

    It's definitively the best Invasion map I've played.

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