Throwing an idea out there (Head Games)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Portal of Souls, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    I am wanting to gauge interest in my idea to see 2 things:

    1) Is the community interested in this gametype?
    2) Does the community think it too complicated?

    By the way this would be a Mini-game of sorts, but fairly full fledged with nuances of play to be learned much like Grifball. And it currenlyt has the moniker Head Games. Kind of like X-games, but more skully.

    I have a gametype built and a map nearly completed that is based off of the headhunters gametype. It is team based with multiple roles to be played by. Each role is given certain advantages and disadvantages and each is color coded.

    Here is the base idea:

    Uploaded with

    Each team has 1 player locked away in a tower (colored rectangle)that can fire down upon the opposing team (with a custom power up that regenerates). This player, Shooter, is one of only a few players than can do damage and is completely invulnerable. They also have two types of weapons, Sniper and DMR along with a handful of grenades.

    The rest of the team is on the field trying to score skulls in the opposing teams base (Colored Cirlce). Once scored, they are teleported to the side of the field of play where they can either re-enter the play field or take a slightly longer but rewarding path with invisibility at the end of it.

    All field players are vulnerable, and the more skulls you carry the more vulnerable you are. Upon death you are reincarnated as the Assassin class and you are able to move faster, deal damage, have bottomless clips, and are really hard to kill.

    Also at center is a (Power-up) for any player to pick up. This player becomes another shooter, and in essence creates a power play for their respective team.

    The map is designed in such a way that only a person scoring for their team can get to the invisibility. And only players of the recruit, veteran, or champion are able to score. Assassins and Shooters are unable to.

    So I am curious if this sounds interesting to anybody and whether it sounds to hard to understand or implement. If the response I get is well received than an official type up of rules and tips will follow along with a more detailed image database to show the full extent of what I am working towards.
    #1 Portal of Souls, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  2. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    How long does the assassin remain the assassin?
  3. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    I think 30 seconds, but don't quote me right now, I'm at work and can't check just at this moment. Now that I think about it though it may only be 15.
    #3 Portal of Souls, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  4. patrickcanttype

    patrickcanttype Forerunner

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    It sounds like a very cool idea. The game itself sounds very fun, my concern is the gametype elements to make it possible.
  5. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    I have the elements in place. I kind of did this whole thing backwards. Had crazy idea. Built it...then gauged interest! All kinds of backwards.

    But now the hard part. Building a thread post that explains in simple detail with enough information to get players started and understanding the gametype. Hence the interest gauge. Thanks patrickcanttype for the post.
  6. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    This is unique. Hard to find these days. Do it! Its a cool idea!
  7. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    I also want to put it out there that anybody interested is welcome to post their interest in playtesting this. I want people who are willing to give me honest feedback, whether it be immediate via a headset, or through this forum at a later point.

    Please though, if your interested just post in here I'll look you up and Friend Request you on Live. If your GT is not already in your profile please be sure to add it. If you Friend Request me, I will not know who you are and likely ignore it.
  8. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    I would test this. Ya know you also need a name for this. Plus how you gonna do that skull thing? You could do it with flags and make it multiflag CTF. make each team defend like 15 flags.
  9. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Oh it has a name. This is...
    Head Games!

    Awesome huh =)
  10. Hill Devil

    Hill Devil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would be interested in playtesting. I am always up for a crazy good time. How many players/side were you thinking?
  11. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    The game is already designed in a fashion where you could really play it with as many as you like. 8 however is probably the minimum since 1 for each team is up in the tower this would leave only 3 for down in the field. 10-12 probably are best so far and 14 would work.

    *Side note I didn't mention, every one starts with evade as an ability. However any Shooter is limited in this. They can not use their ability.
  12. TELEVIS10N

    TELEVIS10N Forerunner

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    I have noticed you didn't mention if players aren't playing..IE the shooter isn't there. Maybe you can make the tower one-way accessible,
    Rough example
    As this would mean that you would have to set the custom to last one second and respawn every second

    of course this would make it possible that the shooter could become a runner to help their team move the objective, for somewhat of a charge tactic that can leave your base open, but could in the end benefit also.
  13. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    I see your point. If the shooter is in game, but not playing than the team is severely disadvantaged. Cause for concern. And also if a player is currently disconnected, ie. the shooter. than the match is broken.


    Thanks for the tip, now I'm thinking.

    ps. does anybody know how to limit custom games to one player model (spartan vs. elite) Specifically in a headhunter match, or does it do so already?
  14. ClassicJokester

    ClassicJokester Forerunner

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    I think I said this when we were in Party Chat, but you might not have known it was me. :3 I'd be willing to test it. I'm usually only online during the off-hours (12P-7A PST), but it sounds pretty cool.
  15. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    Yeah definitely didn't know who you were, good to see you here. I'm currently setting up a few images and stuff to lay out in a preview thread so that people can have a better understanding of what I am doing. Expect the preview first, than we'll set up a match at some point and test. Once I get a test or two out and make any necessary adjustments I'll release.

    All together this is progressing well.
  16. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    If there's a "Headhunter Pro" gametype built in, then edit that and it should force people to use Spartans.

    As for explaining the rules, you could perhaps use a video. Film a typical match, render (or capture card) it, and then add a kind of instructional commentary. You could do something like this (only an example, since I didn't really get your explanation), with captions and/or voice-overs:
    *shows a Shooter in a tower, firing at the players in the field below*

    "This is your Shooter. Your Shooter is the guy doing the killing. The better your Shooter is, the more skulls there'll be on the field."

    *view from behind the Shooter, showing players dying in the field and generating skulls*

    "However, the Shooter can't move from his perch -- he produces skulls when he kills enemies, but he can't grab those skulls. For that, we have the rest of the team."

    *camera moves into the field, showing the other players competing for the dropped skulls*

    "These guys can't kill anybody. Instead, their job is to grab the skulls that their fallen enemies drop. They need to break through the enemies on the field and get to the other side, where they can score the skulls they've picked up."

    *one team breaks through to the enemy base and scores, demonstrating this*

    "Once they've done that, they teleport off to the side of the field. They'll hop back in, and the game continues."
    If you feel like going the extra mile and doing voice-overs with (or in place of) captions, make them good. Nobody wants to watch a video with bad dubs.
  17. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
    Senior Member

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    How much mobility would the shooter need? Not much I imagine. If so you could try this as a way to ensure an active shooter and the ability to replace him if he quits out the game.

    Where players spawn there could be a teleporter. The teleporter takes you up to that team's shooter box. The box would be so small that once the shooter enters he blocks the receiver, preventing any other players joining him. If the shooter then leaves the game, when another player respawns he can now go through the teleporter (since there would be no shooter blocking the receiver anymore) and become the new shooter.

    The details of it would need to be worked out (making it as automated as possible) but I think it would work as a basic mechanism for an active shooter.
  18. Solo Jeep

    Solo Jeep Forerunner

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    The shooter should be a Juggernaut.
  19. Portal of Souls

    Portal of Souls Forerunner

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    DavidJCobb - For not "getting" my explanation, you hit the nail right on the head, and I certainly intend to do something of this sort. ps- I did use the pro version to force this, thanks for the tip

    --Method of Release--
    =Map Preview with general overview of stats, players, map layout, etc.
    =Test Map with full entourage of players
    =Adjust the necessaries
    =Map release with video if possible (purchased Bungie pro, and will use Windows Movie Maker)

    --Buddhacrane, I really like your idea, it may work in some fashion but at the moment the way I have it set up this doesn't help. I will keep it in mind.

    --Solo Jeep, I can't have him as Juggernaut as this is based off of Headhunters. By the way, your map last night was pretty bad ass if I do say so myself.

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