New Military Draft

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frito Bandito 7, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    Ive been hearing recently that the military is thinking of holding a new draft in light of the rebirth of the Korean Conflict. Now if you think about it, theyre logic is not too far off. With millions of dollars in assets and soldiers commited to the fight in Afghanistan and Iraq, why spend millions of dollars refitting and transporting this equiptment when you could train an entirely new army? From my standpoint. This war is going to get serious. North Korea, being as blockheaded as they are, have shown no hesitation to renew hostilities and engage in combat. With China's backing, the North Koreans would be a force to be reckon with, thus the US military taking such threats seriously. As of recently, the US has shown its lack of hesitation to fight back, after conducting wartime drills with both SK and Japan. As for whether our citizens will take the draft seriously or not, i doubt they will, but that doesnt mean they wont do it. What do you guys think on such a topic?
  2. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    This is such a ridiculous situation to begin with. For god sake, does the UN have a reason for existing? There should have been NATO troops in that country, shutting them down years ago. The Draft is a direct violation of our Constitutional Right to life. Frankly, the United States could do well to take a page from our ancestor's beliefs. George Washington wanted to be as isolationist as possible; and give our current economic status, we could benefit greatly from not involving ourselves in any more wars. We have to learn that although we are a powerful country, we are not the World Police. I hope my post didn't seem offensive, I'm not trying to attack you in any way, Frito. I just have strong opinions :p
  3. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    There are NATO and UN troops on the SK border of the demilitarized zone. Also, wargames/drills between SK and the US are conducted regularly. This is nothing new.
    Furthermore, China will not go to war with the US as China needs them as much as they need China. Their two economies are symbiotically linked, at least for the meantime, or rather, until China builds a consumer base comparable to the US consumer demand that they provide for.
    And as far as NK being a military threat... I know from personal experience that within a week of re-engagement of war the US and its allies are fully capable of completely dismantling the NK war machine.

    No offense to you Frito, but this is a stupid thread. Stop theorizing and let it rest. This whole incident will end up being nothing more than a mere footnote in history books in years to come.
  4. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    Though I hope you're right, I'm sure that the underestimation of a situation has caused issues in the past. Like Iraq, for instance. All the same, you're hopefully quite correct, as long as NK doesn't have an Ace up their sleeve, that we're not aware of.
  5. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    like nukes? if we go to war with them im almost positve there will be somekind of flying wepons used. but will we go to war with them im on the fence. i sure as hell hope not
  6. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    A stupid thread? I dont think so. Especially if i heard the draft news from a friend whos in the military. :) yes. i hope this doesnt go down. But NK clearly isnt afraid to hold back i am well aware of China and ours entwinement, but that wouldnt start them from starting a war.
  7. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    Nukes aren't an ace up your sleeve, thats the face up king that everyone can see. Nukes can be handled. We can shoot down a few nukes no problem, we've got patriot missiles. I'm not talking about something that everyone is expecting, I'm talking about something more dangerous because it's unexpected. Like a Biological Bomb, Giant EMP (Imagine what having no power in the entirety of the US for a few days would do?). It's stuff like that that really needs to be worried about.
  8. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    Id say a draft is unlikely.

    the President alone does not have the authority to re-institute the draft. In order to implement a draft, Congress would first have to pass a law to authorize it, and the President would have to sign the bill into law. Soon after the invasion of iraq, a bill was introduced to require military service (essentially a draft) and it was defeated in congress by a vote of 402 to 2.

    "A draft is a good way to fight wars of 50 years ago. It is a lousy way to fight wars today. Today's military members are highly trained professionals. The days of giving a couple month's of training on firing a rifle and tossing a grenade, then sending men off to combat are long, long gone. In today's military, even the basic infantry is "high tech." You don't train someone to operate and maintain highly sophisticated military equipment overnight. It takes a minimum of 18 months to 2 years to turn out a trained Soldier, Airman, Sailor, or Marine. It takes even longer than that for many military specialties.

    According to the Selective Service, if a draft were implemented today, it would take 193 days for the first inductee to report in. After that, it would take another 12 to 18 months to train them and form them into new combat units."
  9. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Also, instituting a draft is political suicide, nobody is going to vote for the guy who sent their sons off to war.
  10. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
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    I doubt it. But if it were to happen, then so be it. Not that I would agree with it, but if I were called to service I wouldn't dodge it.
    But it's a terrible idea to draft. This is why many other countries militaries are ****, because they force people into the military for a certain amount of time. It's one thing to have 10,000 soldiers who don't want to be there, and it's another to have 5,000 who signed up for it. I'd say it's a fair bet that the 5,000 could kick that 10,000's ass due to the completely different mentalities, and care taken during training.
    My brother was telling me a story that his drill sergeant told of a previous engagement with the enemy. They were watching over a building and got pinned down by the enemy. The drill sergeant was on the roof and ducking behind a wall when he hears this 'clank clank clank' noise and knew it was a grenade. He braced for the explosion, and looked over and saw that the idiots didn't pull the pin or anything, so he pulled it and threw it back at them and took a good number of them out.

    I know you heard this from a soldier, but it doesn't necessarily validate anything. We're in hot water with North Korea for sure, but there's no reason to suspect that if we started a war with them that we would need to draft right off the bat. The government is going to use what it has before they even start thinking about a draft. It's evident from the past that drafts are a terrible thing to resort to.
  11. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As some one who recently finished his contract with the Marine Corps and having plenty of friends of all ranks still in, as well as many friends in the diplomatic community, I've heard no such thing. I think your friend is pulling your chain.
  12. Frito Bandito 7

    Frito Bandito 7 Ancient
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    "It takes a minimum of 18 months to 2 years to turn out a trained Soldier, Airman, Sailor, or Marine". And thus the point of said draft? they dont have 2 years to train new soldiers and reloacate all the assets from Iraq and besides they would have to be refitted too.

    Btw. I do not support the draft nor do i think we should go to war. But i thought this was an interesting piece of news from my "military connection".
  13. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    To build on this... To train a Marine and prepare them for war it takes a minimum of 12 - 18 months. Three months in Boot Camp, three to six in combat training school depending on MOS field (6 for Grunts), and six to nine months of pre-deployment training. There will also be (generally) some period in Garrison and on Leave prior to deploying as well.

    In regards to re-deploying in order to engage NK, the Marine Corps already has (and has had since the Korean War) a sizable force that is ready to redeploy as necessary. While the 3D Marine Division is involved in combat operations in Afghanistan, it is only an augmentation to the 1st and 2nd Divisions that also are involved. This is so to balance deployment rotation windows. The primary mission of 3D MarDiv is to be a presence in South East Asia/Pacific Region.
    Furthermore, III MEF and III Air Wing are also located on Okinawa Japan and share the same mission statement.

    There is no, and will not be, any plans of a draft in the forseeable future. Period.
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    @Frito: I'd just like to note that you can't call someone who doesn't know anything a "contact". That means someone in the military doesn't KNOW ANYTHING about if there's going to be a draft or not...Schnitzel definitely knows more from personal experience, which doesn't give a definitive answer, but gives the logical and most likely answer. Again, unless somehow "know" someone in the high levels of the military (I doubt it), than your friend is pulling your leg and spewing out random stuff he heard.

    The thing that I don't really get about the US military system is why we don't have an ICBM defense system (as far as we the public know, at least). When I went to Israel, (which, as I've said before, is actually safer and nicer than here....don't let the media trick you into believing whatever makes them money) they have an ICMB defense system around the entire country, if anyone would send a nuke, it'd get shot down. The US is considerably bigger militarily, yet we have no defense system over places like Lost Angeles, New York City, nothing. If anything, the new way of war is going to involve nukes, and without a defense system, we're going to be looking at a lot of death next time we have a war :/
  15. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    yeah, thats why mw2 invasion is actually possible in the way it unfolds. US territories actually have no real military defences. especially more residential areas.

    UK has nuke subs :)

    the way i see it playing out is china stepping in and volunteering to deal with the problem to gain a stronger military and political foothold, seeing as they are gaining an economic one. USA wont like that but they have to agree to it because they are already spread too thinly.
  16. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm gouging my eyes out with a dull rusty spoon after reading this nonsense. Seriously, do people here have any sense or understanding of world politics? I can't believe people actually make such unfounded statements and actually BELIEVE them. :(
  17. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    dont be a frog and give a reason. derpsicle for you.
  18. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    something tells me you've seen this trailer
  19. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    my dad is a super secret agent and he says the draft is coming.

    yukon, ho!
  20. Patsteirer

    Patsteirer Forerunner

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    I haven't seen that trailer...but if that is to be a game, it looks dammmmmnnnn bad ass.

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