Want your map tested quicker?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dart3rocks, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    So I have noticed that a lot of people have been wanting maps tested and tried out by other people on the site, but in the past few ways I have discovered a solution to getting maps tested faster so that anything that needs to be fixed can be fixed in a quick and fast manor. The solution is very simple first go play a game in matchmaking (Big Team Battle seems to be the best because of the amount of people; unless you want only 2-3 people on map) after you have played the game invite people to your party[ helps if you have already selected map and gametype then wait for people to join you and be courteous so that you don't drive them away from testing and only play one or two matches to see if your map has holes] Not all the time you will get a response so if you have no response then go back and try again eventually you will become friends with some of the people and be able to invite them for testing and you will not have to do this.

    If you were put off by the text here is the easy solution:
    1)Go to matchmaking
    2)Play game
    3)After game invite EVERYONE to party
    4)Open Map in Custom Game
    5)If no one joins party go back to (1) else (6)
    6) Play and test map check for places you didn't see and holes that your map has
    8)If they have comms ask them about the map while they play
    9)Fix anything
    10) Rinse and Repeat

    Happy Forging,
  2. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Or you could get a more legitimate test from the Testers Guild. Probably won't be as fast though.
  3. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    Yea no offense to you guys, but that was kind of the point; I like to get my maps set for certain dates so that other projects get finished on their deadlines =) you guys do test a bit more thorough; but I like to see what different skill ranges see in the map (most of you are not noobs[no offense again]) by far so I like to see the differences in how a newer player experiences the map compared to an experienced one.
  4. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Of course you also get what you wait for. I thorough play-testing of your map to find it's limits, strengths, and weaknesses. People that actually care about the success and betterment of your map.

    Your average person you meet over matchmaking. - Loud, obnoxious, doesn't care about you or your map, and will constantly remind you how much your map "sux" regardless of how nice it actually is.

    So I could go to a fast food restaurant so I won't starve, but I could also go to a nice restaurant where the staff doesn't ask if I want fries with that unless I damn well ask them to say it.

    Point is, one might find a few willing people (my bet is no more than 3 or 4 on average would be willing to join a custom game anyway) but chances are they won't give you the proper feedback a map really needs to become better. Either everyone will say they loved it or they'll say thay hated it. (the latter being more likely if my experiences over matchmaking have taught me anything).

    Best to stick to the pros ;)

    edit: Quick point to address what you said about different skill ranges. Bad players will be bad at anything, there really isn't a point making sure a map is idiot proof. Take a look at Spire or Paradiso. Guarantee you at least 1 to 2 people a game will walk off a ledge into water. So getting an idea how your map plays to bad players is a pointless endeavor. As far as ok - expert range goes, you don't think its just the testers guild that tests your maps do you? Time zones + availability means its hard to find 8 people to test a map, so while a few of the testers might be the "pro" testers, they're filling out the rest of the team with whoever's on their friend list at the time who's willing to join, lack of skill and all. (I've been invited to test a bunch of maps and I can take care of myself but I'm not pro).
    #4 PacMonster1, Dec 7, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2010
  5. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    RE To PacMonster1:

    That's why you watch how they play in theater instead of listening to the obnoxious comments that keep coming out of their mouth. Thank you mute button ;)

    Also I understand what your saying, but I have met some newer players that have just started and are actually quite good, but they are just getting used to how Reach is played and when they come into a match it takes them a few seconds longer to get the gist of a new map which is why they take diffrent paths and try to test the oddish spots on the map while I have noticed intermediate and experienced players love to try and either hunker down in a spot that they can easily run through with out camping and eliminate targets as quick as possible as well as try and find spots that might allow them advantages such as glitching out side of map and such; yes beginners do this to, but not to that much extent usually. Their is one variable that not very many people consider and that is the player element. Most of TG[Tester's Guild] spends time on the maps from mostly the viewpoint that they are analyzing the map and testing the limits on it which is why I find it better to have players that are there just to have some fun and not scrutinizing every little detail.

    The best way that I have actually found to test the map is play 1 v 1 (this is best on smaller to medium rage of course, unless you play a long-range to 10 or 15) Through this you can even gain some talking (comms enabled) and maybe even make a new friend, unless they are obnoxious ten year olds who are very unskilled then I would just go back and try to find someone else to test. The beauty is that yes you will fail and won't find the right set of players, but that dosen't mean that you should throw in the towel just yet. Remember everything you do takes practice that includes finding the right players, if a match was fun for you it was fun for them so those are the ones you want to keep an eye out for. "If at first you don't succeed try, try again."

    Happy Forging,
    #5 Dart3rocks, Dec 7, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2010
  6. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I refuse to rely on any tester organization of any kind for my map... And no offense to the guild here, there's only a small handful of 'em I'd every consider listening to. Your best bet for running good tests on a map is to network. Build a network of friends who are also forgers and are reliable for running tests games. Of course you have to return the courtesy to them, but there isn't anything wrong with that now. ;)
    Reviewing in theatre is also great. I use theatre extensively when I'm working on the spawn system for a map as well as seeing the different paths players take.

    OT: In regards to the testers guild... In all honestly, I can't help but feel its more or less a crutch for forgers who are either unsure of themselves or lack any friends who can give legitimate feedback. While it may be good for new forgers to submit their maps to, any established forger should be fine without it all in the same.
  7. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    RE: To SecretSchnitzel
    Thank you for the comment I think you hit some of the stuff that I was trying to convey on the dot, and that is why I have this method of suggestion so that you can build a network of friends quicker.

    Happy Forging,
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Essentially building a network of friends can get people on your map to play it... however, the feedback they provide doesn't mean it's in your best interests to change your map to how they want it. Picking people up in BTB can often mean you get a lot of "noobs" who just like vehicle spam, and only play vehicle spam maps. If you're building a BTB map, then obviously, players from that playlist will be able to give decent..ish.. feedback if any at all.

    It still doesn't mean that their feedback is still correct though just because they play in that playlist often enough. Feedback is an opinionated review of events from one persons perspective... basing all map changes on one persons opinion could drive the mass majority of people away from the map.

    Also, people who don't give feedback offen are less inclined to give you any negative feedback, especially if they've only just met you in a random matchmaking game. Although it's a good enough idea to make more friends, it's not really a great idea for gaining reliable feedback quickly as you have to earn trust and understanding between your "new friends".

    I'm not sure this topic should be compared to the use of the Tester's Guild either... they're in two entirely different classes of testing. One is experienced, the other isn't. It's like saving money for a new car. You could save for longer and get a ferrari... or save for a few weeks and buy an old reliant robin with no reverse gear... there's a massive difference between those so normal people wouldn't compare them.

    Finally... I don't think this topic belongs in Forge Discussion and should be moved to Customs Lobby as it's essentially promoting custom games.
  9. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    That is why you try it repeatedly until you find the best suited group, and the best way to patch up holes, I have gained plenty of friends through this method and I now have enough to test BTB maps, and I know that they will not let me down because I have gotten to know their style gaming and how they play through that I see the best audience. This is of course more of suggestion than anything, but it's gotten my maps tested faster so that I can make the fixes and post it quicker. So if it's more of an opinion of what works what doesn't then I will still go with this method. [But you can still test my maps if you feel like it ;)]

    Happy Forging,
  10. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I still don't think all this happened inside a week...
    But it's an alternative that some people may appreciate and use. It just needs to be located in the Custom's Lobby as it's primary focus is to hold Custom Games.
  11. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    Nope it happened in 2weeks with 3 days of testing for 1-3hrs each [Counting matchmaking games] On an sort of off-topic note: I wish they had a customs playlist in matchmaking =) after some of the bad maps are weeded out of course.
  12. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The only downside of the whole testing debate is that no matter which approach you take, whether its test with "n00bs" or "pro" forgers, your always going to come up short on adequate test time. To truly fine tune a map you need to run test after test after test. Take for example my map Amalgam; I've had the map built for about two weeks now but it still isn't released as I'm still tweaking it. I've ran a couple customs on it every day and have slowly switched out/rearranged pieces as well as thrown out the spawn system and built it from scratch multiple times.
    The testers guild might get a couple of games max in on one map, but they have by no means tested it to its maximum potential. I also highly doubt that many of them understand the spawn system, let alone even bother checking out an individual map's spawn system in forge or theater replays. Simply said, the testers guild is inadequate for extensive tests/feed back. And that is where having a network of talented/experienced forge buddies comes in to play.
    With my approach however, testing is most feasible. You have to be very selective with who you bring into your network as they need to be an experienced player/forger as well as a positive asset that isn't afraid to speak their mind. My personal network of buddies that I test with are all high caliber/experienced forgers and/or MLG hopefuls that have thorough knowledge of map flow and game play mechanics. In ever test run of the map there have been at least 4 of us in the game, split even between the teams to give the new players a chance. I've taken feedback both good and bad, but the end result has been a very fine tuned map that showcases excellent game-oriented design.
    And of course its not all test games either. Every one in the group will pop into each others forgers and give their critiques from time to time. Its really a team effort when you think about it... And in that aspect I really don't give my buddies enough credit when I release my maps.
    A good friend is one that keeps you honest. A forge buddy should be the same.
  13. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    Couldn't have said it better myself, the way I sometimes find friends though is mostly through matchmaking and I tried to ask if anyone would like to test a map, but that usually drives people away instead of enticing them with a mysterious invite to a party
  14. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    An easy solution is go into the chatbox. A lot of times, there are people in there that are willing to play.

    The problem with your method is that in MM, you get A LOT of douches and kids I wouldn't trust to test a map.
  15. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    RE:Bloo Jay
    That's why the 'Boot Button' Was made plus you ALWAYS have unlimited amounts of party invites (or at least 15[Without yourself counted] for one match max)
  16. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    The chatbox is good for being ignored or mocked, when your name isn't well known.
  17. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Back when I was an active guild member, we always took a look at the map in forge first, we ran several games on it and we analyzed the gameplay in the theater, took screenshots and captured videos. I doubt that this way of testing changed very much in Reach
  18. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    I play then go to theater or forge after (Gives me good Action Screen shots for my maps) as well as seeing other map flaws and seeing if I can fix em just to give myself a self- challenge for the day
  19. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Some of the guys in there are cool though. Actually, most are. But there are a few elitist douches who think their stuff don't stink. But thats a norm to expect on a forum. There will always be an elitist click. Sadly, it really does hurt this forum as many strong forgers are brushed off to the side for more "prominent" names. Just take a look at the featured maps section and say if you can see a trend. Not saying any of those maps aren't good, but I think there might be something askew with the selection process...

  20. Dart3rocks

    Dart3rocks Forerunner
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    Yea; forgehubs featured is a little strange indeed, of course I use Xforgery and ForgeHub so that both groups of many people see my maps; and possibly hit me up to test there map,
    Oh and if you want me to test your map I'm on most of the time when I am not working or at school blah(in class right now)...-_-ZzZzZzz

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