When I first came to Forgehub, the first map I had submitted was this. It introduced invasion slayer into the world of Halo 3. And by jove I thought it did a pretty good job. Sadly, the map was quite open and did not have much to it. But now, I've done it again. Revisited, remastered. Made to be the map we needed it to be. Look familiar? This map will undergo rigorous trials before it's release, and I hope that you, FOrgehub, will help me develop this into a map truly worthy of the title of an Invasion Slayer Map. FORT BETA 2219!!!!!!! :awe:
Xforgery? I remember this, I think I still have that map on Halo 3. I think you should rename it, Fort Beta 2219 sounds like an infection map. I thought the same with Halo 3 as well.
Hmmm.. I'll put some thought into it. The name was just catchy. I got it off of Monsters Inc. (when the monsters get human clothes on em, they call a code 2219 and they get "cleansed" thats where the name originated) if it honestly sounds too infectiony, I might change it
I'm an old player and don't recognise this at all....... The sentence implies it's a remake of a Halo 3 classic.. or was it just an old Halo 3 map of yours?
I think you really became a prominent forger after it's release so I'm kinda not surprised a couple of people would not recognize it. But it wasn't just a Halo 3 map in my opinion. It was my best map ever. And if it wasn't for it's openness and other factors that shot it down I truly believe most people would be able to identify it. So yes and no.
FOUND IT. Dude I have to say, it looks way better in Reach(obviously), well at least that's how it seems from the pictures. I think I do remember playing this once or twice, but I'm not exactly sure.
Yeah it didn't get as much renown as I thought (but that's just me, who knows) but I am going to start personal testing sessions with a couple members of my friends list and the TG who are my buddies. These tests are for current comments only. THere will be no official review requested until I put this into the official TG thread for testing further. I must perfect this map to be the best damned invasion SLAYER map that I will ever make!