So, I was playing CTF, we were losing, one minute left, and no hope to win. We went to our last resort: Last Resort What was your greatest matchmaking moment? Films/pic?
My fav moments were: 1. A Magnum Killtrocity in Infection. 2. Won a game of Invasion Slayer with 2 other Elites against 6 Spartans.
Team slayer. My team dropped out of the game, and I kicked red teams ass on my own. It was pretty intense, and I only used one power weapon for one kill I desperatley. It was a proud moment.
Another great moment of mine was when we won Arena Doubles 25 to 0 and I ended with a perfection. [br][/br]Edited by merge: As I like to call that particular situation, "a target rich environment." Less allies? More kills for you, eh?
CTF rush on one flag, Last Resort. Walked in, grabbed flag and walked back. I think I only got shot twice.
Playing Headhunter, getting pwned for most of the match. Then, near the end, use rocket launcher to double kill two people, one with 7 skulls, the other with 5 skulls. 13 Skulls and a Skullamanjaro, put me right up to 25 skulls to end the match.
My first touch into Reach after beta, I got a killtrocity in infection on Pinnacle, and loved the map ever since. Sadly, this has been my ONLY 6 Multi-kill in the game. I may put the video up in a while. Also I got a Perfection/Rampage in a Team Slayer game, I kind of felt bad for the one guy playing, but I was a lot better at finding the enemies spawn than the rest of my teammates. Pic from the game -here- : Halo Reach : File Details Sloppy DMR aside, I'm pretty proud that I didn't fall off the edge, and still managed to get the kill. Chucking two vertical plasma grenades on Atom and sticky two people on to of the base was also epic.
Getting first place on my team, with 17 kills, was pretty neat. I normally just BARELY make it to the double digits, FPS games aren't really something I excel in. Oh, and getting a planned sticky to actually work was awesome.
Ah that game of Invasion Slayer. I thought it would be the worst game of my life. I hadnt got a kill in 4 minutes and had died twice, by mainly stupid means. I started to get more aggressive, as my team were starting to drag me down. Boy did they suck. Anyways, I rushed a plasma launcher and used it to destroy a Banshee they had. Then, our team secured one of the objectives and were waiting for it to spawn. About 3 seconds before it spawned, and with 5 people camped around it, I sprinted to the spawn point and the banshee spawned right in front of me. I jumped in it and flew off. And for the rest of the game, that banshee took absolutely no damage. I got 40 kills that game, with a +38 K/D. Best game I had ever played.
Sometimes, I get into the zone. This was one of those times. YouTube - My Best Arena Game Ever (Team Slayer on Arena Zealot - Halo: Reach) 23 kills. 0 deaths. Perfection.
Me and my buddy got both warthogs on Breakpoint and just parked them on a hill and gunned down everybody that tried to assault our position. Pic of killing the banshee : Halo Reach : File Details This. 30 kills on the cage. Watch me. I'm RDSAMSACS if you don't know. It's not rendered so you'll have to download it. Hook up to BNET and you can download it and get an awesome nameplate! Cuz we luv our nameplates. EDIT: above link shouldnt work. Just search up my GT.
1. When playing Infection on Asylum i camped on the edge of the map(on top of the rock) And got a Magnum Headshot Killtrocity. 2. Winning a game of Invasion Slayer within 8 minutes, with 100-58, with a nooby team, outnumbered by 3 to 6 and not grabbing any of the territories. I think we got most of the kills by throwing Plasma Grenades in big groups of enemies. 3. Getting a Laser Spree on Breakpoint by blowing down two Banshees, a Mongoose and a Warthog. 4. Warthog Turret Killing Frenzy while playing Team Slayer on Tempest. EDIT: Forgot that i had already posted those first two... Whatever.