Not Another Ambush on Security Tunnel Redux

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Sam, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    This is a remake of a zombie map I made in Halo 3. In that map I tried to make an experience similar to Convoy Ambush, only on foot instead. The layout of this map is very much the same as it was in Halo 3.
    The game plays very much the same as well. The game consists of short 3 minute rounds. It's a very fast paced zombie game. I hope anyone who enjoyed it in Halo 3 enjoy this.

    The humans must work together and keep close as they make their journey. They must be quick with their shotguns and rifles, as one blow from the undead will transform them into a zombie.
    Their ammo is limited, so making it to the turret is of great importance. They must try to survive the short 3 minute round.

    The zombies must not allow the humans to reach the end. Use any strategy you want as a zombie. Drop from a hole in the ceiling. Hide behind something and ambush a human or two, or more. But do NOT allow the humans to reach the end! You don't have much health as a zombie, but your speed and your ability to one-hit-kill a human more than makes up for it. You can also sense where the humans are at all times. If the humans make it past the first tunnel, you must use the teleporters at either end of the maintenance tunnel to bring you to the final area.

    Human beginning. Don't camp here. Shield doors spawn in to make any attempt at camping here difficult. The beginning room closes up, and anyone inside will die and respawn elsewhere

    A zombie effectively ambushing an elite.

    A zombie jumping down from the ceiling, and getting shot by multiple survivors.

    Close one.

    This is a view of the maintenance tunnel, where the zombies spawn.

    These elites are in the final section, but they are forced to defend themselves instead of pushing in the die and moving onward. They perish.

    The end.

    Any questions, comments, concerns?
    #1 Sam, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  2. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    OMG! I can't believe you came back and remade this! Your original map on halo 3 was a huge inspiration for me and a lot of my future maps. I played this soooo much in halo 3. This is a fersure download. Hopefully I can get some people to play it soon. I hope it really lives up to the name it earned itself from halo 3. You can't believe how happy I am right now :D
  3. ImWithStupid

    ImWithStupid Ancient
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    This map is really fun as both the humans and the zombies. I've played it with Sam multiple times and it's pretty intense. You have to constantly watch your radar to at least try and predict an attack, and it's pretty crazy when you're walking along and a zombie falls down right in front of your face.

    It's also fun to be a zombie, waiting behind a crate, or watching through one of the holes, just trying to make it hell for the humans.
  4. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    Wow. I wasn't expecting any replies. Thanks for the compliments. Spawn of Saltine, if there are any problems with the game once you get to play it, I would like to hear of them. Thank you.
    #4 Sam, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2010
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    ****ing finally. I thought you left us for good. I loved the Halo 3 Another Ambush so this one will be heading on to my console as soon as it can.

    I can see you fixed some of the map's problems that the first one had. It's a good thing Forge World is bigger so you could make this much better. I kinda miss the slanted floors, though. Is it just me?
  6. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    I never left. I just didn't make any maps or post them. I mainly just browse this site for maps to download.

    The map itself is about the same size as the Foundry one. I didn't make a longer path. I decided against making slanted floors, but overall it's not a big change. The zombie starting area is better built, fully enclosed, and less confusing. I hope it plays as well as the Halo 3 one. From some playtests, it seemed pretty close. I think it's even harder now because there is a likelihood of killing a zombie and getting infected by him/her at the same time, unlike in Halo 3.
  7. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I got a small game of 5 players going earlier. I felt the same about this map as I did in Halo 3, but with Reach I was expecting a bit more I guess. It was just about an exact copy of the original with a couple tweaks. I think I was hoping for some great new improvements that helped make things different. I can't say I hate the map though because I had some great memories on the original. If you are ever considering making some more infection maps might I consider making a different shaped tunnel with a more interesting objective other than 'getting to the end and camp.' Thanks for bringing back some good memories =)
  8. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Haha, I think I see myself in a few pictures (can you find the annoying general Elite?). The map played excellently in the playtests I was in. Thanks for taking the time to make the map Elite accessible, a lot of maps have doorways that Elites just can't go through, but I'm glad there is nothing I have to crouch under to get through while my Spartan friends laugh at me as they sprint through the doorway.

    I'm not sure if it is the different base movement settings between Reach and Halo 3, but imo the map plays a lot better in Reach, better than I had expected. This map is a lot of fun, I'll download this when I get the time.
  9. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    I could easily make a longer or different shaped path, but the first thing I wanted to do was to make a close remake. The one in Halo 3 was terribly forged, and I just wanted to be able to play basically the same game in Reach, but in a better built map thanks to Forge 2.0.

    As for a more interesting objective, I have no ideas.

    Thanks P3P5I. Without you I wouldn't have raised those doorways up lol. I'm glad you enjoyed the game.
    #9 Sam, Dec 6, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010
  10. Neon1129

    Neon1129 Forerunner

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    I showed this map to my friends and now we can't stop playing it. It is a great time for the humans and zombies. I love when my friends will just walk by and then 1 gets killed from a hiding zombie :D.....good times.

    This is staying in my weekend customs list :D
  11. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    That's awesome. I'm really glad you enjoyed it.
    #11 Sam, Dec 12, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2010

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