Extreme Dodgeball

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Darth Human, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
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    Extreme Dodgeball

    Golfsplat Court
    6-16 players (8-12 recommended)

    Welcome to Golfsplat Court! This is the sequel to my original Dodgeball from Ocean Sports. I hope you like it!


    You splatter your enemies with golfballs to earn points. No grenades, no stickies; just you and many power weapons. Each player starts out with 2 weapons, a Gravity Hammer, and a Spartan Laser. Each side also has 1 Rocket launcher.


    Golfsplat Court is custom made for fairness and to be golfball friendly. The whole court is surrounded by downward slopes so golfballs do not get stuck in corners and cause build up. Also each side has several small mine rooms above the back glass slopes.

    (The mine rooms are there for two reasons. First there is a current glitch with moving objects that can sometimes hit the enemy but not injure them. They still get shifted quite a bit and if they are pushed back, they go up the slopes and blow up. This gives you a kill and a point. Second it encourages players to not hang out in the back of the court to avoid getting hit. Because the odds of you getting blown up are much greater.)


    Each weapon has different properties when using them to launch your golfballs:
    The Gravity Hammer is the fastest and safest way of hitting your golfball. But it is harder to use because you have to hit the ball just right in order for it to be effective (it can also be used to ‘block’ oncoming balls).

    The Spartan Laser is the easiest way of hitting the ball. It’s easier to aim with and is quite effective. If the whole beam hits the ball is can launch the ball like a bullet.

    Last but not least, the Rocket Launcher. This beast weapon is extreme. The launch is almost instant and looks like it teleports the ball to the other side. But it can easily cause suicide, and each side only has one. So if you get your hands on one, be very careful.


    There are 3 rounds and each round is 3 minutes long. Each kill is worth 1 point. You also get 1 extra bonus point for splattering your enemies (direct hit from a golfball). You lose 1 point by committing suicide. But do not lose points by accidental betrayals.

    Check out my 3 minute round video of what to expect from Extreme Dodgeball:

    (if video has an error use this direct link)

    More screenshots here:

    Extreme Dodgeball pictures by DarthHuman - Photobucket

    Thanks for checking out Extreme Dodgeball! If you enjoyed this map please recommend and like. Please comment on what you think of Extreme Dodgeball, I will also answer any questions.

    CREDITS: (XBL GamerTag)

    Darth Human

    Glitch Testers:
    Holaman X
    #1 Darth Human, Oct 21, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    This really deserves some attention - I tried the original out and I loved it. The idea is genius, and is incredibly satisfying getting a splatter. The thing I noticed about the first one was that it was rather small, and if played with anything more than 4 people, other would usually just hit a golfball you were lining a shot up with. So I'm glad that a larger scale version was made. However you said that the laser "shoots the ball like a bullet". It's a lot easier to direct a ball with a laser, so why would anyone bother using the hammer? And last but not least, is the armor ability still sprint? I think that worked well, since it made you a harder target to hit. Nice job, I'll download this - the original was my favorite mini-game on my hard drive.
  3. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Well the spartan laser is easier, in fact using zoom makes it even easier. But it doesn't block and it takes time to charge up. So it depends on the user. And yes I kept sprint despite everyone saying evade would make it more like dodgeball. Evade just makes the game impossible to hit anyone...
  4. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I agree, the only way evade would work is if you could set it so it could only be used twice every 2 minutes or so. Sprint is definitely the optimum choice.
    I suppose that's fair for the spartan laser. One idea you could toy with is having a grenade launcher so someone could play complete defense (launch a grenade near the middle and redirect a ball that's about to hit a team-mate by detonating it). Different weapons would fit nicely for different roles. Or perhaps you could use different roles in a future mini-game that you make.
  5. Jon Tree Jk

    Jon Tree Jk Forerunner

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    wow just tried it out with some friends and we really enjoyed it. lol on your older map some people used to hide behind golf balls. but now with rocket launchers its like if you shoot golfball and it hits the ball that someone was hiding behind it just destroys them. but yeah its a huge improvement and we loved it! hope to see more maps from you

    oh and i looked up that surangadx guy you talked about. i had no idea he made a map called real dodgeball. what a rip off its pretty much based off your ocean sports but he happened to gain the attention somehow. hope this becomes a big mini game hit!
  6. Gnappy

    Gnappy Ancient
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    I played this a while ago and loved it. I'm glad I found the thread because it wasn't in my temp files. Thanks for making it!
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I randomly played this with some friends and really enjoyed it. The only complaint I could make is that once we got used to the game, we all found it a little hard to hit anyone - but we still scored enough to have a great time with it, and anyway I don't know what you could really do about that except for making the map the size of a shoebox.
  8. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Lol, this was my sequal to my ealier one which was actually the size of a shoebox =D! I agree though, smaller does seem to make the game easier to earn points. But people started to complain that my Ocean Sports dodgeball version was too small. Not I can much do...
  9. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    My Review:

    Enjoyment: 10/10
    -Extremely enjoyable, definitely fun and replayable. I'll be keeping this variant for sure :p

    Balance: 10/10
    -Perfectly balance, no side has an advantage over the other.

    Durablity: 9/10
    -Very good map build, there are barriers in spots with advantages. The only (minor) complaint is the elevated ledges on the sides. They can provide a bit of a hiding spot from a significant part of the field

    Aesthetics: 8/10
    -It looks awesome for what it is! It is a tad bit dark for my tastes though.

    Originality: 6/10
    -Dodgeball has been done over and over again, so it isn't very original. But this is by far one of the best dodgeball maps/variants I've seen!

    Final Score: 8/10
  10. mich012

    mich012 Ancient
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    Oh wow, I've just had a custom game, 4v4 and everyone loved this game. We all agreed that this new twist on dodgeball is so much more fun and exciting than the old version using grenades. Definatley on my customs list, good job darth.
    #10 mich012, Dec 6, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2010

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