Not totally married to the name. More screenshots later, the "recent screenshots" thing failed for me for some reason. This is a symmetrical arena map. It has some really unique aesthetic features (like that see-through floor, and a similar large bank of windows just on the other side of those three doorways you see). It also has a really unique design in one aspect: the opposite base - not shown here - is geometrically about the same as the forerunner one, but made entirely of natural formations. Finally, it has twin swords perched in the pillars shown here, and those may end up being the only power weapons - I'm not 100% decided on the weapon layout just yet though.
Looks pretty cool. I'm really diggin' the whole see-through floor. But what I really want to see is that opposite base that you mentioned above.
Wow dude, this actually looks fantastic, and if the other side of the map is as good, I think it may be even worth a Feature! The overall clean forging of the map looks great, and the aesthetics, especially the floor, looks fantastic. Judging by the well placed cover and the Man Cannons, I take it the map is much much bigger than can be seen here? Or does the man cannon shoot straight over to the other base? If so, then that isnt a good idea. If it shoots into a middle section, then great. Either way, it looks fantastic, and Im looking forward to the release.
When I get more screenshots up the layout will be clearer, but basically what you are seeing is the central area of the map. The "forerunner" base is behind the 30 degree angled wall with the doors in it. It's not a conventional base - basically just a wide hallway with a couple of portable shields and an elevated ledge that connects the lower two doors. The natural (cave) base is laid out the same way. There are two man cannons on that center area - they shoot you into the two bases, but then you're on your own as far as getting back out. Size-wise: it's 2-3 times as large as what you see in the screenshot. That depicts most of the main room, which is the bulk of the map, but there are the two bases as well, and narrow hallways on the sides that you can't see. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Moar screenz: Establishing shot from center area to front of cave base Mirror image of the forerunner base Inside forerunner base (player flying in via mancannon) Mirror shot from inside cave base (I'm not totally set on the orange light by the way - I think it's striking, but I had a blue light in there at one point and it gave it a more wintry feeling) See-through floor Forerunner base again, with a glimpse of the aesthetic landing pad outside One of the sword spawns
Ha, that's me! Anyway, this is without a doubt a fun map to play on. It is absolutely perfect for 2v2; even then neither the swords nor the grenade launchers are overpowered in any way (unless in the hands of a beast). I thoroughly enjoyed playing on this. Even though you are on my friends list, I'm still going to download this and keep it on my hard drive for a long while once you release it.
Yes, that is you - running after the sword like a man on a mission. Go figure. Yeah that reminds me. Two grenade launchers were added (one at each base, on the second level) but they only have three shots each and are just semi-power weapons as far as I'm concerned, due to the fact that most people can't get a one shot kill with them. The twin swords are still the dominant weapons on the map. But most areas are spacious enough that even the swords aren't overpowered - there are no little camping spots here. That 2v2 game was fun, now I'd like to see how it goes with 4v4. I think that should be the ideal size. But I wouldn't go much bigger - 10 or 12 players would probably make this map feel pretty crowded.
Damn! Angle of Grief, you used Teleportes and Weapons in a very similar fashion as the map I am currently working on. I guess great minds do think alike. Was this something you had seen elsewhere or a fresh idea you had?
This looks like a sweet map, I'll check it out more when I have some free time. As for a wintery feel, I've found the purple and nova special effects combined seem to give that snowy effect. I know people don't usually like the fx, but sometimes it adds a little extra to the map. I've used this combo in my alpha facility map, if you want a preview of how it looks
Portal of Souls - Now don't go assigning my ideas to Angel - he steals other ideas from me, but not this one. I assume you're referring to the last screenshot with the sword spawn between the teleporters? I came up with it on my own. I was building the center area and had the 1x1 posts in place first. I added teleporter nodes just to spruce them up, then continued the posts up above with another node facing downward. Then I thought about putting something in there - initially it was a light but I didn't like how it looked, and then the sword concept occurred to me. I like how it turned out, the sword almost looks like part of the teleporter effect. A true "power" weapon. LiWar - thanks for the tip. I have considered maybe using 1-2 effects on this map but I don't want it to be overwhelming (I'm definitely in the camp that usually hates the way they look). I will give it a try tonight and see what happens. As long as it's not overbearing and doesn't kill frame rate at all, I might do it. And of course people can just delete 'em if they think it's ugly or distracting.
As much as I would love to claim that I was the genius who designed this map, it was el megapwn who made the map, not me.
el megapwn, then I accredit you in your desing. Sweet Idea, I must say that I thought the same thing too when I worked on my map last night. Never seen it anywhere and when I put it up Awesomeness ensued. Except I used a hammer.
The map is absolutely beautiful, the see-through floor is clever touch. it looks like this map would be great to play Multi-team and FFA. You continue to present the community of Forgehub with memorable unique maps.
Thanks man. The map has undergone one last-minute renovation, shown here. I didn't really care for the tin cup floor of the cave base (it was bumpy, a little ugly, and detracted from the "arctic" feel). So now it has an artificial floor complete with two large transparent panels, with pipes and whatnot underneath. (There's a similar panel in the back wall too, but you can't see it here.) Also I swapped the orange light for the original blue, to return it to that frosty atmosphere. Map is now all set up and ready to test, which I'm going to do this weekend - probably on Saturday. If you're interested, reply here or just send a message to my gamertag (Nutduster).
I'd love to test out this map with you hit me up. I work until 5:30 EST though so it'll have to be after that...or I'll just miss out.
Thanks Portal, I will hit you up. I ran one 4v4 test today and based on that session have made some tweaks - a few more spawn points, a few soft kill zones in the cave base (it was possible to jet pack to some pretty annoying places). Most significantly, the side walls that separate the center area from the side hallways have been extended to the ceiling. People were spending too much time sitting up there picking other players off. The map is basically ready to go now, pending a couple more play tests - hopefully I'll have time to run those later today. Then it will be released as soon as the Forgetacular end date passes and I can take some videos and pics out of my fileshare.
I look forward to the games. I'll be on as soon as I can and play for as long as the wife will allow before she gets totally bored with me playing.
Hey Portal - sorry I missed you, I was not on all that much this weekend and had to squeeze in tests at some pretty random (and brief) times. Arctic Outpost is now released, and you can find it here:
Yeah I didn't get on as often as I would have like either. Still if you're ever up for a game let me know.
Oh yeah - you're on my friends list now so you'll be getting invite-spammed like everybody else does.