Platforms: This is the first map I've posted here so I hope I've followed all the rules. 'Platforms' is a perfectly symmetrical, team oriented map. Due to its size, 8 players is an absolute minimum and it can handle up to 16. Currently Platforms can only handle team slayer, but hopefully I'll be able to add more, especially CTF, over the weekend. I have yet to organize a party of appropriate size to test this map so a lot of things will probably need changing. Spawns are chief among my concerns as well as opinions on the 'spawn box' on the covered platforms. I chose a spartan laser for the center of the map rather than rockets in order to provide a way to take down the falcons but I am still very concerned about the fate of the team that looses the initial falcon dogfight. I may end up switching the shotguns for grenade launchers and/or the falcons for banshees. Labels for your viewing pleasure. note that the jump from the shotgun spawn to blue base REQUIRES either sprint or jetpack. Also, it is possible to jump from the right side of laser spawn to the awning over sniper spawn through the use of sprint. View of shotgun spawn. Blue base on left and covered platform on right View of sniper spawn. Note how the walkway on the other side of the main catwalk goes down rather than up to serve as cover for a few spawns View of spartan laser spawn. the platform seen attached to the left side allows a player without sprint to reach the sniper spawn below. Because I placed the map so high up I could not get a perfect top-down view so I photoshopped a blueprint and put labels on it. note that the connection between the covered platform and shotgun spawn is represented as a ramp but is actually a flat bridge. On Map: Falcon x2 DMR x6 (2 at each base: 45 sec respawn, 1 at each covered platform: 30 sec respawn) sniper x2 spartan laser shotgun x2 needler x2 plasma grenade x4 frag grenade x4
very cool, reminds me of Kamino from Star Wars Battlefront II. Although I don't really like the falcons, one in the middle would be better that way one team wont be able to destroy the other teams falcon; no to mention grab the laser and be unstoppable. but thats just me...great map 4.5/5
I've got to recomend you add more aerial cover to the map. A Falcon is a very powerful force, even with a Spartan Laser present. Adding more cover on either the satelite platform or some random walkways, in addition to lowering the spawn time for the Falcon, could help make it a more naturaly occuring and counterable part of the map.